Monday, August 24, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a cold, rainy weekend, sure didn't feel like summer. But sometimes a rainy weekend allows you to curl up with a good book (Eclipse for me) or maybe watch a good movie with the family.

I love Monday's since I have the great pleasure of introducing you to one of my fabulous readers. This weeks feature is long overdue and I know you will love her blog as much as I do. Genny of My Cup 2 Yours, is one of the first bloggers I started following and I instantly fell in love with her blog. It started with her blog title and her love for coffee but what I enjoy the most is her heartfelt posts, honesty about being a Mother and the encouragement she offers to others. I love that her blog provokes thought and makes you take a second and think about whether or not you too are enjoying the joys of life, living, and motherhood. Grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Genny, I know I always feel uplifted after visiting My Cup 2 Yours.


Genny Heikka of MyCup2Yours


My husband Mike, our daughter (10 years old), and our son (8

years old)

How did you start blogging?

I was reading a local parenting magazine a little over a year ago when I got so inspired by the stories I read that I felt compelled to start writing in that genre too. I wanted to somehow encourage other moms. (Up to that point, my writing had been focused in the children’s genre.) I’d been thinking about doing writing on-line for a while and had a few writer friends who had blogs, so I decided to start my own. I’m really glad I did; I’ve learned a lot from the insights and experiences of others and have met so man

y wonderful people along the way.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

My approach to parenting has evolved over time, and continues to evolve as my kids grow (and as I grow as a parent). My overall philosophy? I’d have to say that the most important thing to me is that my kids know I’ll always love them, unconditionally. My husband and I definitely have rules and expectations for the kids, but if we’re ever in doubt, we’d rather err on the side of grace, rather than rigidity.

You will never find me without......

Coffee! (at least in the mornings)

Day job:

When my daughter (our first child) was born, I quit my job in the corporate world to stay home with her, and I’ve been home with the kids ever since. While they’re in school, I write for various parenting magazines and Web sites and work on my book manuscripts, a couple of which I’m currently seeking representation for. I also write regularly at,, and at my blog ( In addition, I’m the Assistant Regional Advisor for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and I work per diem for a publishing company a day or two a week. All of that keeps me busy, but I love the variety and how everything is related to writing, which is my passion.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I like all kinds. Some of my favorites right now (and this is always changing) are Tenth Avenue North, The Fray, Taylor Swift, Switchfoot, Lifehouse, and Mat Kearney.

Food: I love to eat big, creative salads, organic food when possible, and any and all Mexican and Italian food. And I absolutely love chocolate.

TV/ Movies: I don’t usually watch a lot of TV (no time!), but I do love the show The Biggest Loser. I also like to watch American Idol with my kids, and Americas Funniest Home Videos. Other than that, I’ll usually catch an occasional show on HGTV or the Food Network. As far as movies go, we have a tradition in our house called “Friday movie night” and we love it. Each Friday, Mike and I and the kids watch a movie together, which means I watch more kids movies than anything else, but we have a lot of fun doing it.

Reading: I love, love, love to read--all different kinds of books, from middle grade to young adult novels, non-fiction, adult fiction, devotionals, etc. I still read a ton of picture books to my kids too (you can never outgrow those) and we are always making trips to the library. As long as a book tugs at my heart in some way, I’m hooked.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

My daughter has a t-shirt that I absolutely love. It says “Keep the F8th Alive” and I think it’s a great reminder that, no matter what happens in life, having faith can make all the difference in the world.

Favorite stores to shop at

I’m really not much of a shopper, but when I do shop I can usually find what I like at Macy’s. I also love finding a good bargain at places like Marshalls or Home Goods. But somehow, I seem to find myself at Target with the kids the most.

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

This is tough. I’m sure I won’t be able to list just one. There are so many wonderful bloggers out there. I’d have to say Kristen from We are THAT Family ( and Shannon from Rocks in My Dryer ( I’ve been reading their blogs for a while, love their writing, and have come across so many great people through their sites. There are others too, though, like Stephanie (, Angie (, Kellie (, and Susan and Janice ( See? I said this was too tough to list one….

If you would like to be a featured reader please send a link of your blog to

Please be sure to leave some comment love in this post for Genny!


  1. Kristen,

    Thank you for the nice words, my friend. :)


  2. Your weekend sounds great, Kristen, curling up with Eclipse while it's raining out--yep, perfect!

  3. You know what's funny is that just this morning I visited her blog for the very first time. How crazy that she happens to be your featured blogger today!

  4. Hi! Found you via MBC. Love the interview post! And I LOVE your jewelry! I see Christmas presents (for me)! :)

  5. Kristen, from your blog I actually popped over to Genny's blog last night -- she's just delightful!

    And you know, one of these days when my cash bush blooms, I'm so buying one of your necklaces. I covet them every time I come by your blog. Some day....some day.

    Tuesday HUGS!

  6. Nice to get to know you better! :-)

    Frugal Femina

  7. What an wonderful feature for bloggers! I am a writer trying to get published. I would love to pick your brain some time, Genny.

  8. Great interview! It's nice to get to know Genny more. And wow, what a list of things to keep you busy during the day! Congrats on all the writing business and I hope one of your shopped manuscripts gets snagged up! :-)

  9. I've been reading Genny's blog for awhile. She's a sweetheart.

    Fun interview.

  10. Great interview, Kristen!

    You sure got the scoop on Genny. ;)

    It was fun getting to know Genny better through this interview.

    I loved Ginny's shopping haunts.

  11. Can't think of a better feature. Love, LOVE, LOVE, Genny. Was so happy when her blogging hiatus ended.......her writing always gives me goosebumps. And, call me totally honored to have been mentioned by her. An honor indeed.

  12. What a great interview. I've been following Genny since I started blogging just a few months ago. I love your blog too!

  13. You rock as usual, Genny! Thanks for the mention. I would trade with you too.

    And, Kristen, I'm so glad to have been introduced to your blog. I will definitely be back.

  14. Enjoyed reading the interview! Genny is one of my favorite blog reads.

  15. Just dropping you another note of support. I hope you win the necklace!


  16. I love Genny's blog - I also find it a very warm place to stop by.

    But what I love the most about her is that she is always stopping by mine and giving me encouragement! It means a lot to me to hear her say, "Great post!"

    Thanks Kristen for featuring her. I hope you enjoyed Eclipse as much as I did. You are just that much closer to Breaking Dawn!

  17. I already mentioned how much I love Genny. Her writing style is heartfelt and uplifting.

    I love big, creative salads too. I usually try to plan a "main dish salad" into our menu every week. :)


Thanks for leaving some comment love!