Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Through the eyes of a 3 year old...

Whenever I load the pictures into the computer I often find pictures that Will has snapped and I love this particular collection, especially the pic of his cars and the picture he took of himself and really love them since they aren't all of the ceiling and floor. Hope you too enjoy the pics courtesy of Will!


  1. LOL!! I just KNEW Will would snap a picture of his cars and trucks!! something that his dad would have certainly done at three years old! :) big hug from grandpa!!

  2. awwww.....he loves his Mommy and his cars and is very confident with his looks! What a well-rounded boy!
    I hope you're having a wonderful week~

  3. Looks like he is on his way... To a great hobby...

  4. really cute ones!!!

    i have also given my girls our older digital camera!!! she also takes some really nice pics!she is also 3!

    you are on my blogroll...on my linky love page.

  5. Yes, my kids have blessed me with their photographic talents as well. I love the one of his face. :)

  6. awww, life through his eyes, i love it!!

  7. How cute! The secret snapper!

  8. He's very talented. I think he might have a future in the visual arts!

  9. I love his pictures!!! Reminds me of when my son was younger and he would take pictures of his legos. So cute. :)

  10. Pretty good for a 3-year-old! You look gorgeous in that first shot...



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