Monday, August 17, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to.....

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! We had a very hot one and I have to say I jumped in Will's pool with him and it felt so good! Before you read about my featured reader I do have two fabulous giveaways Earthbaby shampoo HERE and Designgirl16 paper goods HERE. Be sure to enter and there are bonus entries available.

I am pleased to introduce you to Erica of Parenthoodforme. I was immediately drawn to Erica's blog since she also suffered from infertility. Although our journeys to motherhood are different, I too understand the pains involved in the journey and commend Erica for taking her experience and doing something very, very good! Erica has created a wonderful blog and non-profit organization to help other couples in the same situation. Grab a cup of joe and spread the word about and get to know my friend Erica.

P.S. The below notecards (bottom of feature) are fabulous so be sure to check them out!


Erica of Parenthoodforme


Husband of 6 years, A.J. - 2 year old son. known as Min Man online

How did you start blogging?

When we started the adoption process we wanted to keep families and friends informed of our progress. It turned into an outlet after many years of frustration and sadness while going through infertility.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

My parenting philosophy is to be firm with rules an
d expectations but to not hinder my child from being their true self. My blogging philosophy is to be as open as possible with my posts. I am here to share and hopefully help others along the way.

You will never find me without......

My Blackberry

Day job:

I am a REALTOR for my father's business, hence the Blackberry glued to my side.
My blog is about my non profit, Parenthood for Me, Inc. I am president and founder of this national non profit. Our mission is to provide financial and emotional support to those building families through adoption or medical intervention. We hope to ease some of the burden bestowed on those who simply want to be parents.

2009 is our year to build awareness and the endowment. We will be awarding our first grants in June 2010. Visit our FAQ page for more information.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Everything from Louis Armstrong, Eagles, BNL and Coldplay
Food: Bagels and Cream Cheese
Tv/ Movies: I don't watch much tv. PS I Love You and Atonement
Reading: Memoirs

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

"Think before you speak" People can say some really rude and insensitive things.

Favorite stores to shop at:

Limited, Ann Taylor, Old Navy

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

Lori at She has helped me tremendously as I tried to build my blog and following.

Other good stuff:

Below is a sample picture of stationery cards that are a part of our Artwork for Building Families Project and are available for sale HERE. We have more art donated and will be adding items to be purchased on the website. All net proceeds go towards the endowment. You can click HERE to purchase a set of note cards. Take a peek at the other items also available. Check back to see our new additions. Buy a gift and make a donation at the same time!

Please be sure to leave Erica some comment love!

If you would like to be featured here at La Dolce Vita please send a link of your blog to


  1. Thanks for profiling on of my favorite bloggers. I have been so impressed with the job Erica has done starting her non-profit.

  2. Thanx for featuring her. I am a follower to her blog and it stands for purpose,that makes her unique.Nice choice.

  3. She is wonderful! I'm glad that she's your featured reader today. :)

  4. Cool feature, off to check her site!

  5. This was fun to read. I will have to check her out later on this week for sure. When I can catch up on some reading...


Thanks for leaving some comment love!