Tuesday, August 18, 2009

American Pizzas.... Yummy!!!

Pizza is one of my favorite foods, I seriously think I could live on pizza alone. I had almost forgotten how fun and easy American Pizza's or English Muffin Pizza's are to make until I came across them again in The Good Home Cookbook. I even had Will help me make these, they are that easy! When you have your kiddo(s) help they typically tend to eat more too!

If you haven't come across The Good Home Cookbook is is a collection of more than 1,000 classic American Recipes. Here is the recipe for the American Pizza's as a teaser:

American Pizzas:

4 English Muffins split
1 can tomato sauce or pizza sauce
Onion salt
Garlic salt
Dried oregano
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (again we used more we happen to love cheese a lot)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Optional: Pepperoni a must in our house

1. Preheat the broiler or toaster oven.

2. Toast the English muffins in a toaster until golden brown. Arrange them, cut side up, on a baking sheet or oven pan.

3. Spoon some sauce on each muffin half, dividing the sauce equally among them. Sprinkle each with onion salt, garlic salt, and oregano. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of each cheese on top of the tomato sauce.

4. Broil until the cheese have melted and the muffins have reached the desired crispness, about 4 minutes. Serve hot.

You can find other yummy recipes in The Good Home Cookbook and this cookbook is a great classic cookbook that you can turn to when you need that classic basic recipe. You can pick up a copy HERE.



  1. Thanks! Now I'm hungry for lunch!! LOL!!

  2. Chalk off another reason why I love you, Kristen! Being from Chicago, I LOVE my pizza! We too, could eat pizza every day of the week.

    Your post reminded me of a meal WE made last week -- bagel pizzas -- very similar to your English Muffin pizzas. Except, in our house, we use sausage instead of pepperoni. I think it's a Chicago

    Tuesday HUGS!

  3. We love pizza, that is so yummy :)

  4. I agree it does look yummy! I'm sure it taste yummy too. My kid also love pizza.

  5. I remember making English muffins pizzas as a child. Yummy!!

  6. That pizza looks so yummmy. I have more than enough cookbooks, but sigh.. I think I need to get this one! I love recipes that are actually doable - short and sweet. My three year old would love this!

  7. Thanks!! I love pizza.
    Bellacino's Pizza and Grinder offering Buy One Get One Pizza Free.
    Also you can try at http://www.clickmycoupon.com/business/Bellacinos-Pizza-and-Grinders/37500036 for more offers from Bellacino's Pizza.

  8. I love these and luckily they are easy for me to put in school lunch boxes!!


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