Monday, June 1, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to...

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I spent some time organizing around the house and decided to challenge my self to organize one area in our house a day for the next 30 days. With how busy I have been with making jewelry things have gotten a bit out of control. It is time to de-clutter! De-cluttering is just good for the soul, isn't it?

I am very excited to introduce you to Mary Anne of Thrifty Craft Mama, Mary Anne is just that a very Thrifty Craft Mama. Mary Anne is a mom of two with one on the way. She is a former high school teacher but now a SAHM. I love that she says being a Mom is intimidating, exhausting and rewarding how honest and how true! Please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Mary Anne!


MaryAnne of Thrifty Craft Mama.


Husband Mike, 3yo daughter Emma, 1yo son Johnny, and a baby girl on the way.

How did you start blogging?

I had been reading blogs for about a year, and I thought I’d try it out for myself at the end of last year. I’m glad I did – it’s been a great way to “meet” some very inspiring fellow bloggers.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

My parenting philosophy is to embrace childhood – it’s a fleeting part of life and it’s so easy to focus on the inconveniences (diaper changes, loss of sleep, extra laundry and cleaning…). I love the hugs, smiles, the funny things my daughter says, and watching my children learn and grow.

You will never find me without......

My phone

Day job:

I am a SAHM, so my job is to help my children grow into the best people they can possibly be. I find this job intimidating, exhausting, and incredibly rewarding.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I was raised in a classical-music-only home, but I like music from most genres. I haven’t found any heavy metal or rap that I love, though. I appreciate beautiful melodies and songs that tell stories.

Food: Italian and Mexican are my favorites. I’m also a chocoholic; I’m a bit addicted to the Ghiradelli 60% cocoa chocolate chips. I like Guittard chocolate chips, too, but they aren’t sold on the East Coast.

Tv/ Movies: Romantic comedies

Reading: Historical fiction and craft books – also parenting and pregnancy books, these days. I tend to read several different books at a time, very slowly.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Nothing. I’m a boring old monochrome T-shirt girl.

Favorite stores to shop at:

Costco, funny as that may seem. My kids love it too – lately they’ve started crying as we leave the store! Also Ikea, but we don’t go there much since it’s about an hour away from where we live.

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

Either LiEr from or Kitten Muffin from Both are awesome moms who come up with amazing projects to make with/for their kids.

Please be sure to visit Thrifty Craft Mama, and leave some comment love below!

If you would like to be a Featured Reader please send a link of your blog to, my readers have an opportunity to win a custom necklace from my shop!


  1. Oooo! Ooooo! I'm so glad everyone is getting to know MaryAnne here - she is awesome! I'd trade with her any day. I've had the privilege to discover her blog this year (I think it was this year although it feels longer ago than that, I've so enjoyed it) and it is full of good stuff - real, honest, beautiful projects and her sweet kids whose personalities come to life in her posts. There are so many blogs out there that mix family and crafts and parenting that are confusing or meandering but MaryAnne's is just a wonderful balance of all. I've never met her in person but I'd sure like the chance someday.

  2. Great introduction!!! Again I loved reading about another featured reader!!

  3. I love Thrifty Craft Mama's blog and how she is able to be so creative with her young children using simple and inexpensive materials. I'm always finding activities sunnyboy will enjoy on Thrifty Craft Mama's blog :)


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