Sunday, May 31, 2009

Feel Good Sunday: Will you jump with me?

Proud Spirit Jumper

Several weeks ago I met Meaghan on Twitter and am so glad I did. I am now a proud Spirit Jumper!! You ask what is a Spirit Jumper? Spirit Jump is a program that directly connects a gift giver with a person battling cancer. It was founded in November, 2008 by two young women who have both battled cancer.

Meaghan is a cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with end stage cancer with a 20% chance of survival in February of 2007. Like many cancer patients she experienced the horrors of chemotherapy, radiation and numerous surgeries. Today Meaghan is CANCER FREE and is thankful for all of the support of her family and friends who stood by her side through her cancer fight.

Stacy is currently fighting Stage IV Melanoma. Diagnosed, October, 2007, Stacy is still undergoing treatment and fighting this horrible battle.

Spirit Jump

So how can you jump?

It is really very simple you can send a gift or even a card to lift the spirits of a person in need. All you do is email Spirit Jump at and you will be connected with a person in need of some real spirit jumping. Since I joined I have jumped three people and I have to tell you it feels so good to know that something so small may just lift someone elses spirits!

I encourage you to join me! Will you jump with me? Please visit the Spirit Jump site HERE. and also follow them on Twitter @spiritjump


  1. I'm going to let my hubbie know about this so he can tell his brother's wife . . . he mom has cancer, her dad just died from cancer 8 months ago and her brother just died a month ago from brain cancer - so weird and sad.

  2. I'm already a jumper and I love it!

  3. What a wonderful invitation-- thanks!

  4. So glad you are helping spread the word about them, I just signed Ezra up for that the other day :)

  5. I am excited to join you! So glad you shared this incredibly powerful organization!

  6. How neat is that, thanks for sharing this with us!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing about this! I will be sending an e-mail to join, too! My MIL is a breast cancer survivor and my grandpa died of cancer, so this cause will be close to my heart!

  8. I am a Spirit Jumper as well! I'm so glad this program is getting bigger and bigger. It's life changing to read the stories of those who need some uplifting.

  9. Thank you so much for the awesome post! We got some new jumpers and that means more people having their spirits lifted thanks to you. I can't tell you how much we appreciate you :)

    Meaghan & Stacy

  10. Oh Kristen this is a topic that is so dear to my heart...I have lost many family member's to cancer. I also worked for 2 Oncologist's for 3 years...I got such a joy with our patients and such sadness that never leaves your heart...Cancer fighter's and survivor's fight a battle that we cannot even imagine...What a great post! I will be looking into jumping!!


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