Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday: Mother's Day Pics...

To me the perfect Mother's Day is just being able to spend it with Will. I am especially pleased to also get a picture with him, he doesn't like his picture taken these days! Will did want his new Ugly Doll AKA Big Toe to be in the picture. A very special thank you to Dawn of Bee and Rose, Dawn so kindly sent the little cutie for Will. Will adores his Ugly Doll, he is pretty darn cute!

What did you do for Mother's Day?

To view more Thousand Words Thursday please visit Cheaper Than Therapy.


Proud Mommy said...

GREAT pic of the two of you!!! Will is getting big!!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Looks like a pretty nice Mother's Day. Love that doll!

Allison said...

What a great photo of the two of you. Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Unknown said...

Those are cute pictures. :) I love how he named his Ugly Doll "Big Toe" LOL Boys crack me up!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Big Toe and Will are just perfect for each other! I just knew he would love him! (he's my favorite too!)

Your photos together are just beautiful! What a wonderful day!

(Thank you for the shout out! I am actually sold out of my Uglies again! I just ordered 50 lg and 50 small and they are GONE! lol! I guess I'm ordering more this week!)

Keyona said...

How cute! I spent the whole day with my girl and it was awesome!

The Mom Jen said...

You two are so cute, hope you had a wonderful day!

Suburban Hooker said...

Very nice pictures, especially the two of you!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures :)glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day, I was with my little girl all day ;)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! TFS

Jenni said...

I love that picture of you and Will! I am glad you had such a nice Mother's Day!