Monday, May 18, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend, we had a busy weekend running errands and did squeeze in some shopping and park time! Poor Will took a nasty fall at the park and ended up with a big lump on his forehead and nose!

I always look forward to Monday's since I have the opportunity to introduce you to one of my fabulous readers. I am pleased to introduce you to Jenn Of My Life With The Crazies, Jenn is a very busy Mama who has 3 kiddos, a full time Job, and runs two blogs! Please grab a cup of Joe and get to know my friend Jenn!


Jenn of My Life With The Crazies and My Crazy Life In Photos, a blog dedicated to photos.


Hubby Steve, Teen Kylie, Jocelyn and Trevor + our 2 dogs Brady and Clancy

How did you start blogging?

I had always read some great blogs ( friends of min
e) and I have been writing journals and short stories for so long that I figured it was the next big thing.


If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

I try to be a pretty relaxed mom. I am busy with mom duties and working out of the home BUT I try to make as much time for my kids as I possibly can. My kids also know there is not anything they can not talk to me about. I try to be a good mom and a great friend to them but know the line has to be drawn… I still have to be the Mom.

You will never find me without.....

Oh, God…. My blackberry, and my laptop. Oh… and a great handbag.

Day job:

I am a medical office manager. I handle all the billing and insurance for 2 offices and manage the front desk.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: country, 80’s hair band rock and some of dance music out today
Food:Chinese and Japanese
Tv/ Movies: CSI ( all except NY) … any 80’s movies ( Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club) Twilight and all other vampire movies .. Oh and I love Zombie films too!!
Reading: Twilight series, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Nora Roberts … and any other vampire related books…

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

“ Edward Cullen IS real!!”

Favorite stores to shop at :

Kohl’s, Macy’s, H&M, Target and Old Navy

Other good stuff from Jenn:

I enjoy blogging so much and have met so many amazing people!! I hope to do more reviews and giveaways soon… I have done a few and had great success!!

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a link of your blog to My featured readers have the opportunity to win one of my custom hand stamped pieces from my shop!


  1. Wow, three kids, FT job, and two blogs? How do you do it?

    I love H&M, I wish we lived near one...

  2. Yea! Congrats on being featured!! I hope you win!!!

  3. I follow her on Twitter- she is too funny! Great profile!

  4. Yea!!! Thank you so much!! I posted on my blog and twittered this morning!! Have a great Monday!!

  5. I love Jenn's blog! And she is a local girl so I may start stalking her in real life!

    Sorry about Will's head! I hope the bump goes away quickly!

  6. congrats to Jen, I absolutely love this girl, she rocks :)

  7. I heart Crazzymommie! I love your blog too!

  8. Wow Jenn, how do you find the time to blog:) I got sick this past week and it through me off! Couldn't blog, he he.

    Congrats on being featured.

    I like zombie movies too! But then for the next two nights I have trouble sleeping at night.

  9. Awesome feature, hopw Will is doing ok :)


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