Sunday, May 17, 2009

Feel Good Sunday: Go Fetch... Please!

I love when I see Will playing with Kane, the poor kid tries to get Kane to play with his toys but Kane never has any interest, not even a little. The other day I walked into the room and this is what I saw.

I hope Will and Kane are friends Fur-ever (sorry had to do it!)


  1. LOL, the expression on Kane's face is priceless!!

  2. There is nothing as sweet as a boy and his dog!
    Friends Furever....hahahaha
    Have a Wonderful Sunday~

  3. That is the sweetest picture!! I love when the kids play with the dog. We have an English Bulldog and she occassionally gets frisky with the toys, but mostly she ignores them. How sweet!

  4. Ha that is so cute!!! I love how he has his toys all stacked in front of Kane!!! What a hoot! I got my necklace today, thank you so much I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. At least Kane isn't chewing and destroying his toys!!! how cute!! :o)

  6. Oh, that's so sweet! I have the same hopes for my 4 year old son and my 6 year old lab!

  7. LOL! How old is Kane?? My dog Daisy is also NOT amused by the kiddo!!

  8. too cute and funny - the dog looks bored! hee hee

  9. Will is not one to give up easily!! Keep trying little buddy, Kane will play eventually!! :) remember if Kane is good tired, Grandpa will play!! :)

  10. LOL, that is so cute! I love seeing the difference in their expressions! So telling!

    My son is trying to ride our chiweenies like they're horses. I'm sure they would take playing with his toys over getting smashed to the ground any day. ;-)


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