Monday, May 11, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend and if you are a Mom a fab Mother's Day. It was a double treat for me as my B-Day was on Mother's Day this year. I received a IPod, now I need to figure out how to use it. Am I the last person on the planet to get a Ipod? I spent part of Mother's Day planting flowers in my planters, it was very therapeutic and much needed.

I love Monday's since I have the pleasure of introducing you to a fab reader. Chelsi of Chelsi and Spencer: Adventures As Newlyweds is so beautiful, sweet and truly is multifaceted! Take a peek at her slideshow of her pics of her and hubby(bottom of her blog), you can tell they truly are soul mates, by the love that is captured in their photos. Please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Chelisi.


Chelsi Johnston of Chelsi and Spencer: Adventures As Newlyweds


My immediate family consists of me, my husband, and our furbaby, Bella

How did you start blogging?

I started a blog after we got married. My friends and family were pre

ssuring me and I totally got sucked into the trend. Now I'm an addict.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? If not a parent what is your blogging philosophy?

I'm a dogmom. Our philosophy is that rules and structure are necessary. We read a lot of books about raising a dog before we got Belle. We worked hard to train her and continue to work hard to be consistent. Having said that, she is THE most spoiled dog ever. I wish I had enough money to buy her diamonds.

You will never find me without......

Belle, my husband, great shoes, a Kathy handbag, and my hot pink Macbook

Day job:

I'm a writer by trade as well as hobby. I'm also a web designer. I work as a media specialist for the College of Agriculture at Utah State University and the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. I design and manage their websites, write stories once in a while, and handle random projects they throw my direction. I also freelance on the side. You can view my portfolio here:

In addition to these, I have a small cake business, just for fun! You can view my cakes here:

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I listen to all kinds of music from folk to rap to classical! My fave all-time bands are New Found Glory, Dashboard Confessional, and Something Corporate

Food: Onion rings, ice cream and mexican food. I also love to cook!

Tv/ Movies: The Office, ridiculous reality shows like Rock of Love, stupid humor movies like Airplane, others like The Notebook, Ever After, Romeo and Juliet, and Disney movies, especially Sleeping Beauty

Reading: Is my vice. I'm such an English nerd! My favorite author is Anita Stansfield. I also love Stephenie Meyer. I'm a sucker for LDS romance novels, but I also love the classics, like a good Jane Austen and I heart Shakespeare

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

It would say, “My soul has secrets that you have to squint to see.” with my poetry faded in the background behind it.

Favorite stores to shop at:

Ones I can't afford!

Other good stuff from Chelsi:

I'm a woman of many facets. I'm a bookworm, a poet, a writer, an artist, a chef, a cake decorator, a ballerina, a fashionista, a fashion designer, a web designer, a scrapbooker and a kickboxer. I also have cerebral palsy and epilepsy. The past few years have limited my ability to be all of the things listed above, but not for long because I'm also a very determined fighter.

If you vote for me, you'll be entered into a giveaway for 25% off a cake of your choice!

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a link to your blog to My featured readers have a chance to win one of my custom necklaces by participating.


  1. Another one I hadn't found yet!! Can't wait to check out her blog and cakes!!

  2. Yea Chels!!! You are the best!! So talented, beautiful and loving (I would say that even if we weren't related ;))

  3. Great find Kristen! I haven't been to this blog yet!

  4. Awesome feature, new blog for me to see :)

  5. I hadn't found this blogger either! I love your Featured Readers! :)

  6. Enjoy your iPod!! Happy Mother's Day!

  7. Wifey! You are so talented... EVERYONE! LOOK HOW HOT AND TALENTED MY WIFE IS! Serious folks, my wife is the sweetest, strongest, hottest, coolest and most talented blogger of all time! Good Job Babe!

  8. Awesome!!! Yet another awesome find Kristen!!! I'll have to pop over and say hi!!

  9. Chels is amazing. She is such a fighter! She's always doing all these amazing things and then her husband will get on and blog -- "please pray for chels - she had a seizure" -- and its like, you'd never know. So many people would just give up! She doesn't.


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