Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Look What I Got... Now what should I load in to it?

I know I am probably the last person on the planet to get a iPod, and now need to figure out how to use it. While I am doing that tell me what some of your favorite tunes are.

What should I load into my new toy???

Be sure to visit A Psych Mommy for a giveaway that includes my "I Heart Cupcakes" necklace and a few other fab cupcake items!

Click on the picture to enter.

Good Luck!


  1. Yay! What a great gift!
    So many to mention here! Stop by my blog and check out my iPod 10 and musical mondays for some suggestions!

  2. I loaded every single CD I own... then I started buying audiobooks for the long commutes. I think I probably listen to the audiobooks more than anything. Maybe I'm getting old ;) Enjoy!!!

  3. Nope Kristen your not the last, I might be LOL!! I just have my simple little MP3!!

  4. You are not the last person to get an ipod.....that would be me!!! I do have an mp3 player though and I have to have anything with a beat to keep me going on the treadmill!!! I can't wait to get my necklace and if you have a pic, of course I want to see it!!!! I have no patience to wait for anything!!! :o)

  5. I actually do not have an ipod. I had a shuffle for about 3 weeks and it quite working.. yea.. I am pretty sure I am DONE with Apple.

  6. You're not the last! I don't have any kind of mp3 player.

  7. Congrats on the cool gift. Suggestions for music...
    Venus In Overdrive - Rick Springfield, Wicked soundtrack, Daughtry (The new single is awesome!), Bon Jovi (any Bon Jovi will do), A little Alison Kraus, and a drop of American Idol songs. :-)

  8. Yay...so jealous...I still have my 1GB shuffle....sigh. Congrats! Sharing some love from MBC, go grab your One Lovely Blog award.

  9. hee hee - I DO NOT have an ipod yet!! and likely never will

  10. I love it!!! Um and I got one too and said that if I wasn't married that I would marry it today! LOL! It's so much fun!

    I have a new blog name!



  11. EVERYTHING! I LOOOOOVE it!!! :-)

  12. Awesome gift :) and I LOVE cupcake necklace!

  13. Hey Happy Belated Birthday!!! Lots of love to you..hopefully the Bloggy award makes up for your crap-tastic day!! I'm here if you need anything.. :)

  14. You know that the Ipod Touch has a Kindle App. So all you have to do is buy the books on Amazon and you basically have a free kindle handheld reading device.

    And as far as what's in my Ipod. Alot of James Morrison, Duffy and Pearl Jam of course since their my fave and all.


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