Thursday, April 2, 2009

Who wants to win some Easter candy?

The Candy Dish Blog, The Official Candy Blog of the National Confectioners Association, is hosting a giveaway for some of your favorite Easter candy, all you need to do is head over to their site HERE and share your favorite Easter candy memory.

I have been selected as one of the guest judges for the contest along with Brian Pipa of Candy Addict and Cybele May of Candy Blog. Being a candy lover I am truly honored to be on the panel and hope you will enter!!!

The contest runs until April 6th and 5 winners will be selected, so hop on over there right away and enter!!!

Good Luck!

Kristen Andrews of La Dolce Vita

P.S. This opportunity came to me via TwitterMoms, TwitterMoms rocks if you aren't a member yet!!!


  1. Ooooh yummmmy! I am going to check it out!

  2. That is great and like you I would be honored to be asked to be a judge for something that has to do with candy! Heading there now to check it out!

  3. OMG! You get to judge this!!! Seriously? I am sooo jealous... I have a horrible sweet tooth! Yum, yum! Heading over to check it out!

  4. Oh - how fun! I love Easter candy! Thanks for letting us know!



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