Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday: OMG I can't believe I let my child do that

We had lunch with my dear friend Renee and her sweet twins! These are Will's girls.

We discovered this amazing park but can you believe I let Will go grass sledding??? I was holding my breath the entire time.

The face says it all!

Up and down, up and down that is what he did until his little heart was content!

Besides having an amazing lunch out I also did something twice that I am very proud of, I parallel parked and that is something I just don't do. I have to say I am proud of myself! It sometimes is the little stuff!

What have you been up to? Have you had a "OMG I can't believe I am letting my child do that!? moment too?

If you would like to view other Thousand Words Thursday please visit Cheaper Than Therapy Jen HERE.


  1. Grass sledding? Now I've seen everything.

  2. Grass sledding--Now THAT takes some guts! How were his pants afterwards?

  3. Cool, Grass sliding! I have never heard of it but looks fun! My sister and I would have rolled on our sides down that hill.
    Congrats on the parallel parking, I cant do that either.

  4. Wait until next sounds like he can go snow sledding on last time!!! Ugh!!!

  5. Cute, they're having so much fun. I've never heard of grass sledding, neat idea.

  6. I've never heard of grass sledding before .. looks like fun though!

  7. I've never heard of grass sledding! I will park in a parking lot 2 blocks away just to avoid parallel parking!

  8. Grass sledding rocks my world! That looks like fun!

    Bravo for your parallel parking! I am always afraid to do it! lol!

    I love that Will has "his" girls!

  9. Looks like so much fun :) good job on parking girlie!

  10. Looks like so much fun :) good job on parking girlie!

  11. That is the most perfect looking grass I've ever seen in my life. Is it real?!? And in a park?! Woah.

  12. I've never heard of grass sledding but it sounds like fun!!

  13. I was going to say that I haven't had to parallel park since I got my license, but I don't think I even had to do it then!

    I'll leave grass sledding to the kids. I can't imagine having that much energy to do that over and over!

  14. Looks like a lot of fun. Just one question though, did they have grass stains all over their

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