Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Holy Cow!!! We have some Winners!!!

This is the Cow costume Will said he wanted to wear for Halloween but refused, the other day he decided to wear it. You win some you lose some. But tonight we have some winners to announce!!!

The winner of the $50 gift certificate to my shop is Nikki of Blah, Blah, Blah. Congratulations Nikki. I can't wait to see what you pick!

The two winners of the Cornielle CD are:

KimboSue of Life and Times of KimboSue and LeNesha of My Business Adventures.

Congratulations to the winners!!!


  1. CUTE cow!

    And congrats to the winners!

    AND I love the new piece in the corner!

  2. Congrats to the winners! I love the cow costume!

  3. Congrats :) Will looks so adorable ;)

  4. Congratulations to the winners! My boys were both cows when they were toddlers!

  5. Congratulations!!!

  6. OH MY G O S H ....ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!!!! Holy freaking cow I am so EXCITED!! This is better than Christmas! WOOOOO HOOOOOO! Oh my goodness....I'm doing the happy dance right now. I'd do the naked happy dance but the curtains are open and I don't want to scare the neighbors. The only bad part is going to be trying to decide what to pick!!!! I could take years to narrow it down!!! YAY and thank you oh so very much!

  7. Awwwwwww......Nikki is so precious, and soooooo deserving of this! Congratulations to all of the winners!

    And to Will....."You look Moovelous!"

    Have a fun week~

  8. Congrats to the winners and that cow is a cutie!

  9. YaY!!! I'm super elated. Thank you very much. It's now 9:59 pm, what an awesome way to end the day! Can't wait to play it up.

    Good Night,


  10. Thanks so much. I can't wait to hear the CD!


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