Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: April Fools Day on them!!!

The joke is on them!!!

You can see the orange hat is pretty popular in our house, for some reason many are compelled to put it on. Last year on April Fool's Day hubby put a picture of him with the legendary orange hat as a screen saver on my lap top, he doesn't read my blog so I can get away with posting it. As you can see there are no pictures with me in the orange hat!

Happy April Fool's Day! Did you pull any pranks today?

P.S. Here is something that isn't a prank FREE SHIPPING in my shop today only. Just enter code April Fools and you will receive a credit via pay pal. Shop HERE


  1. Would it be wrong if I said I liked the way it looked on your dog the best? :)

  2. Ha LOL!! Those pictures gave me a great laugh!!! Have a great April Fool's day!!

  3. I work for a doctor and we added fake patients to her schedule today so it looks like she had 2x as many... she was really cranky about it til we came clean LOL

  4. Awesome pictures :) have a great April Fool's Day!

  5. HaHa! You have to show him your blog today! Very funny!

  6. Its just me and my 3 month old home right now. So no pranks for me.
    Cute pictures.

  7. I am so not a prankster!! but love the photos

  8. That is just too funny! I love that your hubby put that picture of him on your screen saver last year for April Fool's - you're right, the joke's on them since there are no pictures of you wearing it! LOL!! I agree with blueviolet - love the one with your dog wearing it the best... ;)

    Princess Nagger is trying to think up the ultimate prank to pull on Dada...I'll let you know if she's successful! ;)

  9. The dog looks perfectly happy with the hat!

  10. LOL, love the hat!

  11. too funny! i don't think i could get away with this, my hubby reads my blog now and then :O) Happy WW!!!

  12. I love the orange fuzzy hat! I bet Yaya would love it too!

    Awesome photos!

  13. Haha. These are funny. I love how they all look like they hate wearing that hate. I think the doggy wore it the best.

    My WW is @

  14. That orange hat is fabulous!


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