Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Fashion: Twitter Style

For the Twitteraholic
For the Twitteraholic by klacustomcreations featuring Old Navy sweaters

Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, it is all you hear about lately! Are you a Twitter addict? Do you Tweet? I love Twitter and also love birds so I couldn't resist putting together these select pieces.

If you aren't already following me on Twitter you can here
I follow back!

You can read the entire article at TwitterMoms HERE where I am a weekly featured contributor.

Happy Tweeting friends!


  1. Cool :) love Twitter :)

  2. Neat stuff! I'm so addicted to Twitter!

  3. I haven't twittered since November! I need to get back in to it!

  4. Hi I finally figured out how to add my follow me button on my blog so I hope you will add yourself to it-- I am following you!!
    Looking forward to it


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