Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday: Sometimes you just need to take a break

Things have been so crazy busy and I am in the home stretch of my Mother's Day orders. I can't believe it is almost here. I am so tired as I type this. We took a break at our usual spot Starbucks, and are both in love with their Shaken Lemonade Ice tea, we take ours sweetened with black tea. Have you tried one? If not you must, pure heaven and a fantastic summer drink.

So tell me what is your favorite warm weather drink? Mine is a Arnold Palmer.

Happy Thursday! To view more Thousand Words Thursday please visit the love Jen of Cheaper Than Therapy.


MommaD said...

Love the tea time pics...makes me miss when it was just me and my eldest doin our own thing! waiting for it to be warmer weather all the time (instead of the thirty degree drop today!), and i'll make myself a frozen margarita and sit on the front porch! happy thursday!

Jennifer said...

Mmm, I have three favorite warm weather drinks, with the word "Ice" being the key: ICE water, full sugar Coke with ICE, and an ICE cream shake. Preferably strawberry. See? Ice.

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Wow that sounds very interesting... I'll have to try that!!

My favorite would be Red Diamond Sweet Tea :)

I am Harriet said...

Good question- depends on the time of year.
Cute photos.

Leslie said...

I love his shirt! Cute. And I'm going to have to agree strongly with Jennifer. "ICE" is key. Especially since they won't give you any here in S.America. I love ICE cold coke, ICED tea, and margaritas.... on the rocks!

Proud Mommy said...

I'm an unsweetened iced tea girl!! Glad you got a break!!! :o)

Unknown said...

I cannot believe how big he is getting. Wow! Like you I enjoy a good arnold palmer but I am trying to drink more water so I will say that is my favorite drink.

A.V.A said...

I love sweet tea when it's hot outside or fresh squeezed cold cold cold lemonade! I also love his shirt, A LOT!

Martha said...

I think we will take a break today and head to Starbucks. Tara LOVES McDs Sweet Tea, but has been trying to stay away from it. I think your drink would be a nice change! Happy ATWT

Us said...

Sounds sooo yummy! I must try one very soon...maybe on my way home from work! : ) Have a great day!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

amen to a nice break! i love a cold class of tart lemonade on a hot day!

Suzy said...

Iced Tea Breaks means summer is HERE!

Anonymous said...

I love ice tea! Great pictures. TFS

Andrea Frederick said...

Those are the best kind of moments!

Kelly said...

I love milk shakes...but it we're going for something a little stronger, pour me a pina colada!

The Mom Jen said...

Cute pics, love his shirt! I love Iced tea on a hot day, or a Corona light with lemon!

Ali said...

I love iced mochas! I've been trying to watch my sugar intake lately so I've been settling for iced lattes with splenda:)

Anonymous said...

Adorable :) I love tea!