Saturday, April 18, 2009

Contest Closed Giveaway: Product Junkie Approved: ECOTOOLS Good For You Good For The Earth

Contest Closed the winner is Krissy of Sometimes I Think. Congrats!

I don't know about you but I love makeup tools and if the tools I use don't harm Mother Earth that is simply fabulous! Guess what you can love your tools and do good for the Earth at the same time with ECOTOOLS!

I was lucky to receive two brushes, the ECOTOOLS Powder Brush and Foundation Brush. These brushes are made entirely from natural and recycled materials, they work really well and are affordable.

In honor of Earth Day which is April 22nd I have a set up for grabs!

First some product information:

The Powder Brush,$7.99, is ideal for applying powder and setting makeup.

• Soft, cruelty-free bristles

This earth-friendly powder brush provides a smooth, soft finish and sets your makeup. And, it shows respect for the planet:
• Bamboo handle has a low impact on the earth’s resources as it is a highly sustainable plant.
• Synthetic taklon bristles are 100% cruelty free.
• Sleek ferrule is made from recycled aluminum.

The Foundation Brush,$5.99, is also made of natural and recycled products and applies cream or liquid foundation with a flawless finish.

You can purchase ECCOTOOLS products at Walgreen, Kmart and Ulta.

Would you like to win a set of ECOTOOLS brushes? If you win you will receive one powder brush and one foundation brush!

First Entry: Leave a comment that you would like to win, that is it that simple!

Extra entries: (Leave a comment for each entry)

****Follow my blog
****Twitter about this contest
**** Stumble this post
****Add my blog button to your site (code in upper left corner)
****Add my Etsy Shop button to your site (code in upper let corner)

Contest is open to US residents only and will close on April 25th Midnight. Good Luck!

Have you also entered my contest for a handstamped necklace from my shop, enter HERE.


krissy knox said...

I would like to win!
krissy knox :)
visit my main blog: Sometimes I
follow me on twitter:

krissy knox said...

I already follow your blog. Does that give me two entries, or since I already follow, does that only count as one? Just wondering!
krissy knox :)
visit my main blog: Sometimes I
follow me on twitter:

Nina said...

I'd like to win! Thanks!


Nina said...

I follow your blog.


Nina said...



Kati said...

Ooh wow! They are very affordable! I love them. I actually just got rid of some old gross brushes!!

Kati said...

I am a follower! Of course!

Kati said...

I have your blog button on my blogroll!

Kati said...

I also have your Etsy button on my page.

P.S. I can't wait to see my mother's necklace.. it will make me cry!

Anonymous said...

Cool! I'd like to win please!

Anonymous said...

I already follow

Anonymous said...

Already have your button

DawnS said...

I follow :)

Unknown said...

Great giveaway.

Unknown said...

I follow u.

Leslie M. said...

Holy Moly, I would LOVE to win! I am the Princess of girly Girls!!! this is a Fabu Giveaway! Many thanks for the chance at this Giveaway!

Leslie M. said...

LeslieVeg left a Tweet


Leslie M. said...

I gladly stumbled this Post. My user name is LeslieVeg.

The Mom Jen said...

I would love this because my old one is now in my dance-daughter's caboodle! I use those mini things that come in the blusher sets...too small!

The Mom Jen said...

I follow your blog!

The Mom Jen said...

I have your blog button on my review site!

The Mom Jen said...

I have your Etsy button on my review site!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win :)

Anonymous said...

I follow you blog :)

Anonymous said...

Have your button on my site :)

Grace said...

I would love to win these!

Grace said...

I am a follower of your blog

Grace said...

I tweeted about this giveaway

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Kristen these sound great!!! I'm gonna have to look into these!! Unless of course I win them from you :~)

rubymoon said...

What a great idea ECOTOOLS are. Include me in the giveaway. Thanks you!

espressogurl at hotmail dot com

contests and such said...

I would love to try these out!
I follow your blog and have yout button on my blog!

antithesis said...

i would like to win!

ashleya1002 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to try these
Kawaiineko2008 at aol dot com

Tia said...

I want to win! I could really use some new brushes.

Becky said...

I would love to win!

Sandy said...

I would love to winnn!!!!!

Sandy said...

I am also following your blog ! :)

Fangirl Jen said...

These look like great brushes. I would love to win.

KNaijaQueen said...

I would like to win, thanks!!!

Kim F said...

I would like to win the brushes. They look like the perfect size - not too big - not too small

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win these!

pmorse5 said...

I would love to win. Thanks

hi said...

I want to win

hi said...

Also following the blog

Anonymous said...

I've also twittered it here:

Amber said...

I would be ecstatic to win these brushes!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

peg42 said...

I would love to win these brushes to replace the old ones that I got. Thanks so much.

peg42 said...

I'm a follower. Thanks.

Shelley Johnson said...

I would like to win!

Bloggytime20 (a) yahoo dot com

Lucy said...

I'd love to win this contest. Please enter my name. Thank you.

Jamie said...

i would soo love to win this!

purplegengar said...

I'd like to win!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love make-up brushes. Therefore, I'd love to win! :)

lilacbutterfly [at]

EDRing said...

I would love to win & replace my old worn out brushes.


Lynn H said...

I'd really love to win these brushes...I'm actually in the market to buy new ones. Mine have seen better days...I would really like to try these eco ones! Thanks for the great giveaway!

clc408 said...

I would love to win a makeup brushes. Thanks for the chance.

toughturtles said...

thanks my wife could use these

Alison said...

I'd love to win! I don't have a foundation brush, and keep almost buying this one :)

alison_luby at hotmail dot com

Jen lleras said...

I would like to win! my blush brush is falling apart!

Pat said...

I'd like to try the mineral powder brush but could use them all.

vboackle said...

i would like to win.

Stephanie said...

very cool - my brushes are so old - like 15 years old. I know, gross!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

makeetis said...

I would love to win. I need some makeup brushes.

Sheila Hickmon said...

Thanks for the chance!! I need some of these! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Christie said...

Okay, this giveaway is beyond fab!!! I've admire these makeup brushes whenver I see them! I love that they are durable AND eco-friendly!
thanks so much!

Christie said...

I have your blog button on my page:


Christie said...

I have your other button on my blog, too.
thank you!

Christie said...

I follow!
thank you so much!!

GALENA said...

would love to win these

Anonymous said...

I would love to win these - I need to buy new makeup brushes and these are "green" - even BETTER!


gerrsbabe said...

I always need new brushes!!! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Count me in, please!!

Cali said...

I could use some earth friendly brushes!


Cali said...

I'm a follower!

Cali said...

I tweeted the giveaway.

Tes283 said...

Thank you for the chance to be green and to own such nice brushes. Thank you. My face thanks you. and of course, the earth for supporting Green.

Tes283 said...

Follow the blog.

Tes283 said...


idahodad7 said...

My wife would like some new brushes.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win!

hebert024 at aol dot com

aaj83 said...

i would looove to win! ;)

aisharulz [at] yahoo [dot] com

aaj83 said...

i follow your blog

aisharulz [at] yahoo [dot] com

janetfaye said...

I would like to win!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

Etsy Button:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

mrssquigg said...

I would like to win. My brushes are synthetic and kinda rough.

mrssquigg at comcast dot net

Katweb said...

I'd love to win this! Ialso will be following your blog and tweeting about t. Thanks for the chance, And HAPPY EARTH DAY!

idahomom said...

I really need some new brushes.

mogrill said...

Thanks for the chance.

Smooshy said...

i'd like to win!

Ken said...

My sister would love this. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

Sharon said...

I would like to win!!!
Thank you :)

sweetsue said...

I would like to win, I am using one brush for all my makeup!
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said...

I am now following you.
smchester at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I always hear such great things about ECOTOOLS! I would love to try it out and use them for my daily makeup routine~

Misusedinnocence said...

I would love to win! Cruelty free products are amazing. :)

Anonymous said...

i'd love to win these because my son dipped mine into the toilet!

autumn398 (at)

miriama said...

I would LOVE to win these!

divaqueenie said...

I'd love to win some new brushes...mine are getting pretty ratty!

LittleEagle said...

I'd love to win. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com

SeahorseLady said...

I would be thrilled to win this since my brush is pretty old.
Thanks for the nice giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win these brushes!
Thanks! Monica

sillelin said...

I would love to win this.

Cathy said...

I have been looking for some good makeup brushes & would love to win these!!!

Cathy said...

I am now a follower!! :)

covercover said...

Count me in! I'd love it.
Thanks :)

cranepuffin said...

These are gorgeous - I'd love to win!

Sarah Z said...

I would love to win!
believedreamcourage (at)

joannaonthelake said...

I would love to win! I am working so hard at greening up my act and making so many wonderful changes to my life and my family's life to provide a healthier, safer greener home for them and be kind to the environment too! Having an eco-friendly state of the art brush set like this will bring me one step closer on my green journey! I am switching over to using only natural skincare products for my skincare routine so this will help! Thanks so much for the opportunity to enter.

joannaonthelake said...

I am now following your blog, Yay! My username is joannaonthelake

joannaonthelake said...

I Twittered! Here is a link to my tweet:

joannaonthelake said...

I Stumbled too! My username is joannaonthelake and here is the link to my review:

heaventrees said...

Yes, yes, I would love to win these brushes.

Jinxy and Me said...

I would love to win!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm a follower!

Roxy said...

I would love to win.

Roxy said...

I follow your blog.

GoneGirl said...

Of course I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

GoneGirl said...

I'm a follower!

CAmom04 said...

These look incredibly well made and I appreciate the fact that they are eco-friendly! Thanks for the giveaway!

GALENA said...

would love to have these

sharonjo said...

I need new make-up brushes. I could always use a new allover face brush! Thanks!

Gabriel S-J. said...

Great contest, make me a winner!

Lisa said...

I would love to win these brushes. I love make-up and have started using organic make-up now. These brushes would be a great addition to my eco-friendly make-up!

tlcfromtn said...

I would love to win this!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

intime said...

I would like to win

Karen said...

Count me in :)

ktgonyea at

Unknown said...

I am a makeup artist that would love to use these Eco Tools.

jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

cman said...

I'd love to win.. Please enter me :)