Monday, April 27, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to.....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend, we had a very warm weekend, in the high 80's. It was so nice I actually took some of my work outside on the deck and just may have to do that more often. Mother's Day is just 13 days away and I can hardly believe it, the rest of this week will be very busy!

Do you know what I love about the blogosphere? The friends you meet! I had the pleasure of being introduced to Anne of Liberteas and also had the great opportunity to try a few of her teas and now I am hooked. I love tea and have to say it is a daily afternoon treat that I look forward to. Anne is a busy WAHM who stays very busy blending her teas, running two blogs and being a Mama to her two children. Without further ado please grab a cup of (in Anne's honor) and get to know my friend Anne.


Anne Downen. My blog name is Liberteas, the same as my company

name. I also blog under the name EccentricPastiche, which is what I call my art, as well as the title of my ‘zine.

Your family

I am married, with 2 beautiful daughters (ages 16 and 7).

How did you start blogging?

I started blogging a few years ago as a way of journaling my journey with tea… a way for me to communicate with my customers about the flavors I was blending, and also about other things connected with tea. As time went on, I began to incorporate my art into the blog posts, and so I decided to branch out and have two separate blogs, one for art, and one for tea.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? If not a parent what is your blogging philosophy?

Hmmm… my parenting philosophy is balance. It’s difficult to juggle everything that we get involved in, but that doesn’t mean that the children should suffer through our choices. Find time to be a parent to your children, to play with them, and to love them, they only get 1 childhood, and there’s no turn

ing back the clock.

You will never find me without...... a mug of tea in hand!

Day job:

I’m a stay-at-home mom, and in the midst of that, I flavor and blend my unique

teas that are available online: Somehow, I also find time to also create mixed media art, available at my artfire studio:

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Hard Rock. It doesn’t get any better than Guns N’Roses

Food: TEA & Chocolate.

Tv/ Movies: I love (and miss!) Project Runway. I also love: Hell’s Kitchen, Big Bang Theory, Fringe, Heroes, 24 & Lost. My favorite movies are the Harry Potter Series & Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Reading: Harry Potter Series

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Life is too short to not drink tea!

Favorite stores to shop at:

I love to just browse through Artfire and Etsy shops… I can always find something unique, interesting, and inspiring there… every time I browse!

Other good stuff from Anne:

Buy my tea and help support my tea habit: If you mention this article at the time you make your purchase, I’ll give you a 15% discount (offer valid one time per customer only, please). Also, if you’re in to handmade…If you’re an artisan … or just a consumer of handmade goods, visit

Please be sure to leave Anne some comment love. If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a email with a link to your blog at


  1. Cool feature off to check the tea!

  2. Oh, I love tea. Maybe I should suggest this is a gift to my husband. Yum.

  3. hard rock! wooooo hoooo! i am a reformed metal head from the 80s...not gonna lie.

  4. Great feature...I will have to check her out.

  5. You have an award waiting for you on my blog! woohoo!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!