Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Woot another giveaway!

My dear bloggy friend Robin of Cinnamon and Honey is celebrating her 200th post and look what she is giving away my limited edition Follow Your Heart hand stamped necklace. Be sure to visit Robin's site HERE for all the details for your chance to win! If you would like to purchase this piece for yourself please click HERE.

P.S. It is crunch time for Mother's Day orders so I haven't been able to visit my favorite bloggy friends but I will be back after May 10th! Please leave me some comment love to help me through this crazy week!


  1. Woo-hoo! Thanks so much Kristen! You're the best.

  2. You really ARE the best! I'm glad t hear you're busy with mothers day orders. That's a good thing!

  3. Kristen I got my message about winning the design contest!!! Thank you guys so much!!!! I am so excited!!

  4. You are the best Kristen!!!! If I lived closer and could help you with orders ... I would!!!! :o)

  5. I entered at Cinnamon's blog! : ) To bad I can't help you with your orders!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!