Monday, April 20, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Hello Friends and Happy Monday! We had a very busy weekend filled will a lot of work(for me) and some fun breaks that included going to the park, the movies and getting ice cream! I am very busy with Mother's Day orders so if I don't visit your site much this week you will know what I am doing...... hammering out orders, literally! If you do need something for Mother's Day please let me know as time is running out. I have a few contests running on my site the first is a chance to win your very own Mother's Day necklace HERE and the second is a set of Ecotools makeup brushes HERE.

I always love Monday's since I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my amazing readers. I am very excited to introduce you to Melissa of Proud Mommy's Daily Drama and Great Deals Melissa is one of my long time followers that I so appreciate, she is also a fellow Michigander and what I love about her site is the variety and fabulous pictures, she really captures those perfect moments and does some amazing things will effects on the pictures. Please be sure to visit Melissa you will not be disappointed.


Melissa of Proud Mommy's Daily Drama and Great Deals


I am married to my high school sweetheart. We have been together for 19 years and married for 12. We have one son Jake who is 7 and one daughter, Jaise who is 2 and one loved dog named Ta-mater without the ta. Yes, Jake named our dog!!!

How did you start blogging?

I stumbled upon blogging last summer when I got very involved in coupon clipping and saving money. We were just looking for more ways to shave the budget and I found a lot of useful blogs. Then I found so many other fun blogs that mine has really turned into a variety blog instead of just great deals.

Mommys Great Deals button

Tell us about your parenting philosophy:

My parenting philosophy is to give my children unconditional love and the tools to make good choices throughout their lives. I want them to have morals and values and it is our job to teach them that.

You will never find me lip product supply (gloss, lip protectant, etc.) and my glass of ice water.

Day job:

I am first and foremost a mom. On the side however, I enjoy taking photographs and editing photos in photoshop and I also sell Mary Kay (mainly because I LOVE the product and don't want to pay full price!!!! :o) )

Favorite Stuff:

Music: a huge variety of music; lately I enjoy anything with a fast pace to it so I can listen to it while I am working out.

Food: Unfortunately I enjoy way too many foods (hence working out more is needed) I have to have my coffee with creamer every day. I also enjoy pizza, anything italian really,, I could go on and on.

Tv/movies: I am a huge reality show junkie.....Real Housewives of OC, American Idol, Biggest Loser, etc.

Reading: I am not a huge reader just b/c I don't seem to have the time but I do enjoy Danielle Steel's books

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying what would it say?

Lately, my t-shirt would say: It's 5 o'clock somewhere!!!

Favorite spots to shop?

I love to shop at Target and Old Navy. I love to shop period....but those are my favorite stores.

Please leave Melissa some comment love and visit her fab site!

If you would like to be a featured reader at La Dolce Vita please send me a email with a link to your blog at, participants have a chance to win one of my custom necklaces.


  1. Nice to meet you Melissa! Off to visit her blog now. :) I love that she is a fellow Reality TV junkie!

  2. Great interview!!! Love the pictures!! We will miss you this week Kristen!! But I am very glad that you are busy with business, that's always a plus!!

  3. Missy's pictures are phenomenal. She takes my family's pictures and I get comments non-stop about how unique and beautiful they are. Not to mention, she makes a wonderful Sangria and friend! Her blog is wonderful. You'll see what I mean about pictures!

  4. I love Melissa's blog! Great feature!

    Enjoy your week and happy hammering, Kristen!

  5. Hi Melissa, very good interview. A small glimpse into your life. I too have a love of lip gloss and Mary Kay!

    It was nice to "meet" you!

  6. I'm so happy to have met this blogger. Thanks Kristen!

  7. I love the picture of Melissa's two kids in this post! I see she has some great pictures on her blog too!

  8. Your pictures are beautiful. Your kids get thier poise from thier aunt, you know. I am with Vickie on the Sangria friend!
    Your sister-in-law

  9. Your pictures are wonderful! They get their poise from their aunt you know. I am with Vickie, you are a wonderful Sangria partner.


Thanks for leaving some comment love!