Sunday, April 19, 2009

Feel Good Sunday: SHAZAM !!!

It is so nice to have a super hero in the house! Right now I wish I had super powers and could just say SHAZAM and make magical things happen, wouldn't that be nice! Will loves super heroes just a little bit right now, I will share more pictures later in the week.

Happy Sunday, make it a great day! Today just BREATHE, that is what I need to do since I don't have superpowers!


  1. Girl-SHAZAM is one of my favorite words to say!

  2. Kristen, he's getting so big! Wow!

  3. Cutie patootie.

    I'm going to have a grrreat day today, for real.

  4. Shazam! Nothing happened! Darn! lol
    My son wen through the super hero thing too. It was so much fun, all the costumes and imagination was great. I miss it. :(

    Can't wait to see more pics.

  5. I used to love Shazam! :) Love that picture of Will - too cute! :)

  6. Agh! I can't take him! He's too cute, with his cheesy grin! :-)

  7. That tee-shirt, coupled with the description, shazam about sums it up. There is nothing more that needs to be said about your darling little boy!



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