Monday, April 13, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends. I hope everyone had a great Easter. We went to a Easter Brunch at one of our favorite restaurants and Will hid under the table when the Easter Bunny made his rounds. I will share pictures later in the week. Please be sure to visit my site tomorrow for details for a fun Mother's Day giveaway, I am teaming up with Jen from Cheaper Than Therapy!

Monday's are always fun since I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my fabulous friends. Joelle and I have a lot in common and we watch a lot of the same TV shows. I also love all of the CSI's and love Lost, but now Lost has me LOST these days! Joelle has me really curious and I really want to know what "Not my tarp, not my problem" means so please be sure to visit Joelle's blog and leave her a comment asking what it means and then she will blog about it.


Joelle from The A-Priori Mommy


I’m the only female in the house! There’s the husband, the boy, and the two male heavy weight contenders some might refer to as cats!

How did you start blogging?

I started back in 2004 when it seemed like everyone was departing in different directions. A group of friends decided it would be a good way to keep track of our happenings since we weren’t going to be around each other on a regular basis anymore. Then my family found it to be a nice way to keep tabs on my life and so the habit began. To be fair I’ve always been chatty and I always loved to write – so wha-la what better outlet than blogging. Granted I only became a “serious” blogger back in December, because I set my 2009 goal to become a bona fide blogger…and I feel I’m well on my way!

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

I truly believe in raising my child up with a Christian attitude and heart; making God the number one priority in his life, to give him a true foundation to live his life on. I also believe in teaching him to understand the why in what I tell him, not just the “no means no” (trust me I KNOW that I will say it, but I hope to make that the exception rather than the rule.) Aiden is still young and so for these early phases in his life, I believe co-sleeping to be beneficial and slinging for comfort.

You will never find me without......

My cell phone

Day job:

I used to be a practicing attorney with a crafty side that never got to be utilized.

Now I am a SAHM that is able to craft and quilt while the boy is busy or sleeping. I am always up for a new challenge and with that I decided to create an Etsy shop to showcase my latest projects: Ace Quilting named after my pride and joy.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I have eclectic taste… my husband would tell you bad taste in music. I love country, I love some pop, some rap,

Food: McDonald’s for sure! Then Italian

Tv/ Movies: Reality TV!!, Lost, Heroes, ER, CSI, CSI:NY… there’s so much more. Movies: I’m a Disney nut, but mostly the classic stuff. I love Drop Dead Gorgeous, it’s just too random.

Reading: I love to read! I had goals in 2008 and 2007 and I have a book club I started in 2007 that I enjoy reading different books for from that. I love Chick Lit, John Grisham, even Classics. My absolute FAVORITE book of all time is Les Miserables, with Wicked as close second. I know very broad in taste.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Not my tarp, not my problem.” If you’re really curious come to my blog and comment requesting the background story… if I get three comments I’ll blog about it!

Favorite stores to shop at:

Target , JCPenny, Babies R Us & Old Navy

Misc stuff:

I am still a Girl Scout. I went to law school knowing that I wanted to be a licensed non-practicing attorney that was a SAHM. I want a dog so bad, but I think my cats would really disown me after I bought that baby into the house. I want a library like the one in Beauty & The Beast! I am addicting to blogging and read about 30-40 blogs on a regular basis… and the number just keeps growing!! There’s so many great people out there with great things to say.

Please be sure to leave Joelle some comment love below and also at her blog HERE.

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a link of your blog to by participating you have a chance to win a piece of hand stamped jewelry from my shop Kristen's Custom Creations.

P.S. The winner of the lip balm from Soap Rehab is Michelle of This Crazy Life, congratulations Michelle!


  1. Good to meet Joelle, I share similar tastes in tv too!

  2. Hi Kristen, I can't wait to read all about Joelle! I'll go there next.
    I wanted to tell you how MUCH my girls loved the necklaces you made for them! Molly said she was NEVER taking hers off, but I had to tell her that she really shouldn't sleep or shower in it! THey were PERFECT....THANK YOU again!
    I hope you had a wonderful Easter! Post pics!

  3. I simply ♥ Jo, and am glad she's a featured reader! :)

  4. Good to meet Joelle! I love learning about new people!

  5. Fun to read her blog! Thanks for sharing her!

  6. Not sure if it's legal to post on my own Featured Reader ;) but I wanted to say thanks to you!

  7. I will check out her blog, next! And you KNOW I will be checking out the giveaway at Jen's!!!

  8. Glad to see you succeeding in your quest for blogger stardom! :) It looks like you are having a blast! Neat that so many others get to find out how awesome you are. Just remember - with few exceptions...I KNEW YOU FIRST!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAA.

  9. She is a great blogger and FAB SITSta.. I'm so glad to see her featured!

  10. Wow that is so interesting about the lawyer career. I would love to learn guess I'll have to check out your blog to see if I can find out more.

  11. It's great to meet you Joelle.
    I'll be stopping by your blog, for I am curious about the T-shirt.
    Hope your day is beautiful.

  12. Great to meet you Joelle! ;)

    Thanks for the opportunity to win the lip balm! I can't wait to get it!

  13. I have answered the burning question :) Stop by to find out!!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!