Monday, April 6, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to...

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I always love Mondays since it means I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my lovely readers. I have the great pleasure of introducing you to Natalie of The Bobby Pin. Natalie is just a doll and I am sure you will love her blog as much as I do. Please grab your beverage of choice and get to know my friend Natalie.


Natalie, my blog is The Bobby Pin


My immediate family consists of me, my husband and my dog. We were married in July 2007 and I’m still calling us newlyweds.

How did you start blogging?

I started blogging the day we returned from our honeymoon. I’m a writer by trade and at first it started as just documenting our lives and our move to San Diego. It later evolved into a way to connect with a community bigger than myself. Blogging allows you to find friends to meet at the park who live close to you, find people with your same interests far away from you to talk to, it’s awesome!

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? If not a parent what is your blogging philosophy?

I am a puppy mama and I’m a softie – always up for treats and cuddles. Unless Dahlia chews on something she’s not supposed to. Then I hold a grudge until she comes up and cuddles with me! I also believe in second chances. We got our dog from the San Diego Pug Rescue.

You will never find me purse stuffed to the brim. A sweater because I’m always cold. A pen because I want to write my thoughts. My calendar because I’m worried I’m going to forget something. So basically my hands are always full.

Day job:

I’m a marketing coordinator by day. I write press releases, plan and coordinate press conferences, work on my company’s Web site and social media accounts and all in all give my best to a company that is struggling during this recession! I believe that the most powerful form of advertising is to be exceptional (Ranjit Mathoda) – so I truly believe in bringing my best self everyday while we work to become an exceptional company. I also freelance write and consult in marketing – but that’s at night after work. It all blends in to pay the bills!


Music: Country all the way

Food: Cheap sushi

Tv/ Movies: lame reality TV like the Bachelor. I get sucked into it every time.

Reading: I’ll read almost anything. I love Jodi Piccoult right now, I just finished Mercy.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

"Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones in the right order, you can nudge the world a little." —Tom Stoppard, playwright

I just liked it. If that saying is too big – I would just have them write “Communicate.” It’s so important in marriage, work and wherever life takes you. If anything, it will at least get you the right tasting drink at Starbucks.

Favorite stores to shop at:

The Ann Taylor and Loft clearance rack. I love the $9 shirts I’ve scored there. If I had more money, it would be Anthropologie, but I can’t justify it. I still like to go in there and touch everything though – I’m a very tactile person. (apologies to the people who buy the clothes!)

Other good stuff from Natalie:

I love trying new things. I call it hobby ADD – I tried knitting this year and have a 10-inch scarf thus far, last year it was cake decorating. So far my true loves are traveling, writing and figuring out computer stuff. But I never know what will bite me next.

Please do not forget to enter my current giveaway for a lip balm from Soap Rehab enter HERE.

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a message with your name and a link of your blog to Featured Readers have an opportunity to win a custom piece from my shop, Kristen's Custom Creations.

Upcoming Featured Readers:

Joelle The A-Priori Mommy 4/13

Melissa of Proud Mommy's Daily Deals and Drama 4/20

Anne The Tea Journal 4/27

Jo of Life's Perfect Pictures 5/4


AP Mommy said...

She sounds delightful, off to say hello. Also I've noticed a trend with your readers. We all like country music. hehe said...

Following from MBC~!

Anonymous said...

Awesome feature :)

Ali said...

Great interview! I always like being introduced to other doggie mommies!

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

Thank you so much for featuring me, you are so sweet!! I love your blog and the opportunity!

Adam Wardel said...

She is an amazing person. I learn from her every day. Luckily, she is my wife

Adam Wardel said...

She is amazing. I learn from her everyday. Luckily she is my wife

Alanna said...

I <3 Natalie. One of my favorite blogs, and one of my favorite people!

Brooke said...

Love it!! Natalie is a great gal. Good choice for a feature!

Rachel said...

I've learned a lot, just by reading Natalie's blog. Excellent feature selection!

Becky Andrews said...

Natalie is an incredible woman that I admire deeply and love. I start most my days reading her blog -- always leaves me inspired, something new to ponder for the day.

Steve said...

Natalie does a nice job, I learn from her every day

Anonymous said...

I love this girl, never met her but her mother's a good friend of mine so I've heard a lot about her. Great choice on a feature.

Nancy Williams said...

Great choice for your featured reader! Natalie's a wise & lovely person who writes a great blog. She took a couple of classes from me in college and kept the department office in one piece (in her spare time). I'm proud to be her friend.

Gina said...

Great featured writer! Natalie is a phenomenal person. I always look forward to her latest blog posts- she always finds something interesting, and most times humorous to write about. She is a gem.

3 labs 4 me said...

Natalie is an exceptional young woman. I love reading her blog & she gives me new things to think about. She does it in a fresh & inviting way & she can grab your attention in a moment!

Jenny said...

Great interview! I love the bobby pin! Natalie features such a great and interesting range of topics. I visit everyday!

Chelsi Lasater said...

love nat. love the bobby pin. she should totally win.