Monday, March 23, 2009

Let me introduce you to: Featured Reader

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope you all had a great weekend. We had a very busy weekend but I managed to see the Twilight movie and it was so good, I loved it! We had lunch at PF Changs this weekend and it was the first time for Will and I, I can't believe it took me that long to try it. Can you say YUM!!

Monday's are always fun since I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my fab readers. I am pleased to introduce you to Stefanie of Bizzie Mommy. Stephanie really is a very busy Mommy she has two kids, two jobs, and two blogs, now that is busy!! Please grab your favorite beverage of choice and get to know my friend Stephanie.


Stephanie Elie aka Bizzie Mommy doing it all to reach financial freedom

Tell us about your family:

I have been married to my husband Craig for almost 9 years. I have a 13 month old son that we call Cam Cam at home, on my blog he's referred to as Bizzie Boy. I also have a 3 ½ year old daughter Bizzie Princess. We live in the San Fernando Valley in Southern California in a condo that we out grew over a year ago.

How did you start blogging?

My original thought behind blogging was to promote my online baby boutique; a good friend told me I needed to be more personal with my posts and that triggered a flood of writing energy. That led to the launch of and I haven't been able to stop.

Tell us about your parenting philosophy:

My parenting philosophy is do the best you can with what you have, laugh often and ALWAYS buy Costco wipes.

You will never find me with out.....

You will never find me with my blackberry or moleskin notebook and now most recently my new SLR camera. I haven't been able to leave the house without them.

Tell us about yur Day job:

My day job. Well by day I work as an Online Associate Producer. But at night I am a Boutique Owner/Writer. I own LaLa Baby Boutique, an online baby boutique that focuses on modern and stylish products for modern and stylish parents.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: My iPod has a wide selection of music that is the beauty of an iPod. Right now I'm listening to Pink.

Food: Chinese food
TV/Movies: Lost, Fringe, House, Flash Point, Super Nanny, Wife Swap currently top the list for TV shows. I love watching thriller and action movies.

Reading: Really, I don't think I sat down and read a book for myself in years. I read a ton of children's books; my current favorite is the Big Fat Lie. I do read a lot of other blogs, hoping one day I'll be able to pick up a book again.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it, what would it say?

Life begins outside your comfort zone

Favorite shops: I used to be an Express girl but now I'm trying to branch out. I love Arden B jeans.

Special offer to La Dolce Vita Readers:

I would like to offer La Dolce Vita readers a 10% discount at LaLa Baby Boutique. Just enter: VITA02 at checkout to receive your discount.

Please be sure to visit Stephanie's blog and boutique also leave her some comment love below.

Don't forget to enter in my contest for a $50 gift certificate from my shop Kristen's Custom Creations. Enter HERE.

If you would like to be a featured reader here at La Dolce Vita please send me an email at, by participating you have a chance to win a custom necklace from my shop!


  1. Sounds like a busy busy lady. Where does she find the time for it all? I have pink on my iphone too. lol Thanks for introducing her this week. :)

  2. Awesome feature :) off to check her out ;)

  3. Kristen, I'm glad you were able to see the movie!
    Stephanie, Good to meet you! I'm off to check out your site now!

  4. Yeah for Stephanie! She is one of my bloggy friends too.

  5. Kristen,
    I just got my necklaces! They are more beautiful than I could have even imagined!!! Thank you so much!
    I still need to find something for middle daughter~

    I heading to your featured reader now. Looks like she is even busier than ME...oh NO!
    Thanks again for sending the necklaces. Now, if I can just hold off until Easter!

  6. Great feature!

    I loved Twilight,too!

  7. I love this feature. Thanks for sharing. BTW I LOVE PF Changs!

  8. Wow! She's amazing!

    I love PF Changs! We eat there alot! It's one of our favorite restaurants!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!