Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Music to my ears: Corneille Giveaway!!!

One thing for sure is that I love music! I love all types and especially artists that have a story behind their music. When I am working on filling my customer's orders I like to pop in a great CD and brew a perfect cup of tea, when these two things happen I am most productive.

I had the pleasure of receiving the new CD The Birth of Corneille. Corneille's music is soulful, smooth and easy to listen to. The lyrics get in your head and you can't get them out, which is fine by me since I really enjoyed the entire CD. Corneille is an artist that has withstood much tragedy yet took his grief and turned to music. Corneille's family members were killed in Rwanda during the genocide in 1994, and he alone escaped first to Kinshasa, and then to Germany, where he was taken in by some family friends. Here is a quote from the artist:

"Music has been the place where I could go to hide and forget about the world. I couldn't make sense of a majority of the things that happened to me, so I used music as a shield. But over time, music has become a vehicle to channel out everything that I've been keeping from myself for all these years. And the new album is definitely the most honest, real assessment of everything that's happened in my life, because I'm not trying to hide as much." Corneille

You can learn more about Corneille at Corneille music.

Would you like to listen to my favorite song? Too Much of Everything
If you would like to purchase The Birth of Corneille you can HERE.

Giveaway! Giveaway! Giveaway!

I have two Cd's up for grabs! If you would like to enter for a chance to win The Birth of Corneille CD please leave me a comment with your current favorite type of music:

Extra Entries: (leave a separate comment for each extra entry)

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The contest closes on March 30th, Midnight EST. Please be sure to leave a way for me to contact you if you win.

Good Luck!!!


  1. That's cool that you are promoting the music you love. I like it.

  2. My fav. music isRock and Roll. My husband's is R&B and Country.


    visionquest2020 at msn dot com

  3. Hi!! I'm a huge music lover of all kinds! Especially the 60's and 70's! I would love to enter this contest but can't blog about, no internet at home right now! But I already have your site posted on my blog, does that count? ;) I'm doing this from my Blackberry! I want my internet back!!! X0

  4. I'm a follower and I love pretty much anything. I grew up on country, but have branched out since marrying a metalhead! :P

  5. I mostly listen to rock and punk :) but I'm always interested in great music from great artists :)

  6. I have your button on my site :) both sites :)

  7. Here from ILCW and more than happy to enter the giveaway!

    My favorite type of music (currently) is lite/meditation sounds. It sooths me as I try to accomplish the twenty-thousand things on our to-do list!

  8. I'm all about jazz. Vocal, not contemporary.

  9. I follow!

    I can't pick a favorite type of music...for me, it varies with my mood, the task, the company, the phase of the moon...

    I'm going through a nostalgic phase, right now, though, and listening to vintage country music that my parents played when I was little...Patsy Cline, Jim Reeves, Charlie Pride, Johnny Cash. And I feel about 7 years old, when I do. Inconvenient, when I'm the adult with two preschoolers!

    *To contact me, when you draw my name, (Ha!) go to my profile and there's an email link, I think.

  10. i've never heard of this music!! must go and check him out...sounds amazing.

    I'm a lover of all music...depends on my mood. But i do love country, christian rock, Old rock...but love a little reggae is good too....some hip hop too...i love all music really, but can't play a tune myself.

  11. I am a follower! I love all types of music!

  12. Nice to meet you. Such a great giveaway. My fav music is neo-soul.


    Email: mail at mybusinessadventures.com
    Blog: My Business Adventures - A Mom’s Real-Time Journey Starting a New Business.

  13. I followed your blog :-)

    Email: mail at mybusinessadventures.com
    Blog: My Business Adventures - A Mom’s Real-Time Journey Starting a New Business.

  14. I stumbled this post!

    Email: mail at mybusinessadventures.com
    Blog: My Business Adventures - A Mom’s Real-Time Journey Starting a New Business.

  15. I really love alternative rock!

  16. I tweeted this for ya!

  17. I'm a follower, of course.

  18. I stumbled the giveaway (bluevioletof2)

  19. I like French music among many other types. Thanks so much!


  20. Thanks so much!
    Music soothes the savage mommy at our house. Crossing my fingers!

  21. Right now I am really into India Arie. I would love to when his cd, love the songs I have heard so far!


  22. follower...thanks!


  23. stumbled yzgirl4



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