Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Heart breaker!!!!


Proud Mommy said...

OMG!!!! He is sooooo adorable!!!! You are going to be in trouble when he gets older!!!

Tanya said...

Oh yeah... definitely a heartbreaker!

Deanna said...

Cute! Keep an eye on him! These days it seems the girls are ruining the 'nice' boys! He probably has a while before you have to worry about that, though. Lol Have a great day!

Unknown said...

So adorable! Look at that smile!
Love the big-boy t-shirt with cool graphic and the long-sleeves underneath!

Unknown said...

Oh Kristen he is precious!!

Anonymous said...

SOOoooo adorable that lil' dude of yours. I got a smaller lil' heartbreaker that breaks my heart every time he smiles my way...

And I'm like the last person on the planet connecting this blog with your other blog! I just recently came over here and was like "Oh...." she's that funny person too! I'm so slow...with this stuff.


DNLee said...

he is handsome.

Ali said...

Yes he is!

Anonymous said...

Oh he's so adorable the tee matches him perfectly :)

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Little angel.

GpawLP said...

He makes the Grandpaw's and Grandmaw's proud every day!! Little angel face!! plus he's the smartest guy I know!!! :)

Unknown said...

Adorable! Yes, I agree--he's a heart breaker!

jen@odbt said...

Cute tee and boy! He's definitely a heart breaker.

Anonymous said...

He is so cute Kristen and I am sure he is going to be a little heartbreaker!!

angie said...

He certainly is!

Jenni said...

He sure is! Sooooo handsome!

Kori said...

He is so stinkin cute. I just want to hug him.

Stacy Uncorked said...

What a CUTIE!!! :) He's gonna be a a heartbreaker! ;)

Lorie said...

The shirt is great and he is out of control cute!

Amy said...

UNDERSTATEMENT!!! Sweet smile.

artfuldelight said...

What a handsome boy. I love the shirt. My son has a couple shirts like that too. :-)

A Family Completed... said...

He is a heartbreaker. Thanks for visiting my blog :)