Friday, January 30, 2009


Mom Blogs

What would a blog be with out the fabulous people who leave comments? I am so lucky to have Jenni of Jiggety Jigg as a regular visitor at my site! I introduced you to her last week, as one of my featured readers. A special thank to Jenni for being one of my very loyal followers! If you haven't visited Jenni she is hilarious! You need your daily dose of Jiggety Jigg! Be sure to stop by and say hi to Jenni!

Now since we all love comments, leave me some comment love, it can be about Jenni!

For more Say it Forward please visit 5minutes4mom


Anonymous said...

Cool :)she is funny :)love her posts!

Anonymous said...

Okay I could not agree with you more. I love that Jiggety lady who always makes me smile when I cruise by her place.

Hooray for Jenni Jigg!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I will go check out her blog right now:) Thanks for saying it forward!

Unknown said...

I love the concept of Say it Forward! I love Jenni so what a great blogger to highlight! Happy Friday.

My Trendy Tykes said...

I am gonna go give Jen some LOVE (linky love that is!!) lol


Anonymous said...

I will go and check her out!! I love this "Say it Forward" weekly post! Have a great weekend!

Jenni said...

You are SO awesome! Thank you so much for featuring me! :-D

Stacy Uncorked said...

Awesome choice on this week's 'Say it Forward' post, Kristen! Jenni is cool and funny! :)

Jennifer said...

Wow, in visiting just a couple of blogs I've found like 5 more to be addicted to! yay!