Monday, January 19, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to.....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend, we had a cold and very snowy weekend which is great if you like to snowmobile(I don't)! I am so excited to introduce you to this week's featured reader, she is funny, pretty, popular and super sweet could you ask for anything more? I am very excited to introduce you to the very lovely Jenni of Jiggety Jigg. Jenni and I met at one of my favorite social networks and became fast friends. Jenni is a must read and a daily read on my list for sure. I know you are sure to love Jenni as much as I do. Here is one of my favorite posts.


Jenni of Jiggety Jigg!


My husband Doug and I have been married for 12 years. We have two sons. Douglas who is about to turn 9 and is our little computer genius. And Jack who is 7 and loves action figures and video games. They are totally different boys…but the very best of friends!

How did you start blogging?

I became a fan of Dooce several years ago, and when MySpace was the “in” thing, I started my own blog there. I wasn’t very faithful to it, but I had some fun. Then this past summer I just had the idea one day to start one up again on Blogger! I have blogged every single day since!

What is your parenting philosophy?

I think my parenting philosophy is o pick my battles, and always encourage my boys to be the best they can be. I am not a spanker or a yeller... I use my "teacher voice" with them a lot at home and that seems to work.

You will never find me without.....

My iPhone, water, lipgloss, and the knowledge of where the closest Dunkin’ Donuts is from any given location!

6. Day job:

I am teacher! I have my certification in Early Childhood Education which qualifies me to teach Preschool-3rd grade in the public schools. I have taught both 1st and 2nd, and I am currently teaching third. I also have my Group Fitness Certification through AFAA and I teach step and hi/lo aerobics classes at a local gym.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Dancey groovy pop stuff!

Food: I am a VERY picky eater and I have a lot of food allergies. Mostly, I eat junk.

Tv/ Movies: Reality TV, soap operas, and sitcoms. Mostly, I watch junk, too!

Reading: I love historical fiction books and I loved the Twilight series.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

I Am So Bogging About This.

Favorite stores to shop:

Target, Ann Taylor Loft, Sephora, Old Navy, DSW and TJ Maxx!

Don't forget to leave Jenni some comment love and also be sure to enter my contest for a free isABelt here.

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me an email at, for participating you have a chance to win a free necklace from my shop.


  1. Happy Monday! Excellent feature :) Hope you have a great week!

  2. Thank you so much for featuring me, Kristen!

  3. Excellent choice for a featured blogger! Jenni is awesome.

  4. Awesome Post about Jenni! I enjoy reading her blog. Learned a couple of new things about her today, too!!

    Jen from
    Creative and Curious Kids!

  5. What a great feature - I am a daily Jigg reader, because she is awesome!

  6. You eat junk and you look like THAT? It's just not right.

    Jenni's fantastic! You picked a great person to feature.

  7. Jenni is a cool person, but her blog is even cooler.. The post was super cool.

  8. That was a great post! I am so happy she was featured today.

  9. For the record, her blog is a great read.

  10. Enjoyed Jiggety's blog for quite sometime...just became a follower late last year. Definitely check out this!

  11. Jenni is an awesome blogger, great choice for your featured reader series!!

  12. Jenni's a daily read of mine, too!

  13. Awesome interview :) love her blog, great feature!

  14. Great profile on Jenni! I read her blog faithfully.

  15. Anyone named Jenni who must know where DD is at all times deserves to win it all :)
    I love ya Jenn!!

  16. I love Anne Taylor Loft too! It was fun learning more about Jenni! She is one of my favorites!

  17. Love your feature. Jenni is a really fun blogger. Great sense of humor! I'm glad you featured her today. :)

  18. Jenni is like coffee.....I have to have my Jigg every morning before I start laundry, dishes, etc.
    Have a great week!!!

  19. Wonderful choice!! Jenni is always a go to for a laugh when I need it, and with two small children that would be every hour, on the hour.

  20. P.S. dig through Jenni's archives to find her Santa Madness posts this past December.

    You will not be disappointed. A little scared and scarred, but NOT disappointed.

  21. I love Jenni! I hope she wins. An aerobics instructor and elementary teacher? How cool is that!

  22. What a fun interview! I am a ECE grad, too!

  23. Haha! I really DID graduate as a teacher, and I know that ECE requires an "AN" before it. :)

    Her blog is pretty cool, too!

  24. I love a good Jiggety from happy Jenni! Nice feature on that funny chick and I love her t-shirt blogging saying!!

  25. Great feature! I'm a big fan of jenni!

    LOVE her answer for her tshirt! I'd wear that shirt too :)

  26. Yay for Jenni! Love her blog. Hope she wins. Loved reading about here here!

  27. Yay! Jenni got featured! She has a great blog and she can totally make you laugh your tush off!!

  28. Oooh, I love all those stores too!

  29. I am a follower of Jenni. I won a camera strap on her blog. You should really go check her site out. My blog address is

  30. I just left a comment and can't find it. So here was my post. I love Jenni's blog. I won a camera strap over there. Go check her site out. My blog address is


  31. I never knew you taught something athletic, Jen. I am not sure we can still be friends... Just lidding. I love even if you are healthy. I guess. sigh.

  32. I absolutely adore Jenni, she is one of the highlights of my day when I go to read blogs. She rocks! And well frankly I love her sick sense of humor with Santa dances.

  33. I found Jenni about 2 weeks ago & it's a fun daily read. Thanks to Jenni's recommendation, I'll add your blog to my daily reads too.

  34. Jenni is the coolest!! Her blog is absolutely hilarious. She is just the sweetest! If you don't follow her, you should!

    I love me some Jiggety!!

  35. and yes, how is it that you eat junk and you're so damn hot? huh?? are you a witch?

  36. She works two jobs and blogs? Man oh man.

  37. I love Jenni! She's so real and down to earth.

    Plus, we have several things in common. I'm an early childhood teacher as well. Well, I was before I was a SAHM. I loved teaching kdg. and first grades.

    I love TJ Maxx,the Twilight series, junk food, blogging...etc. You get the picture. I think we must have been twins separated at birth - only she is teeny tiny and I am not. I must have taken after our father's side of the family! ROFL!

  38. Jenni is so funny. I love her blog. :)


  40. I love reading Jenni's blog. And it's great to find so much more about your favorite bloggers. Great feature!

  41. jenni!!! woo hoo! i love it...and i know more about you! i am a loft fan...and of course, a DD and coffee fan! loving it!

  42. I am fairly new to Jenni's blog and love it! I am so glad she was featured here, so I get to know her even more!

    good luck Jenni!

  43. With Jenni, there is sooooo much to love...especiaqlly when she uses her "teacher voice".

  44. "I am so blogging about this" it!

    'pick your battles' is a great lesson in life!

  45. Fun learning some new tidbits about Jenni!

  46. I'm going to have to try my "teacher voice"! The yelling just makes me lose my voice!

  47. I love Jenni's blog! Can't wait to read it every morning. Thanks for featuring her :)

  48. What a great feature.....I really love Jenni's hair.

  49. She has the cutest pair of jeans from Old Navy.

  50. I LOVE Dunkin Donuts, too and miss them terribly. Terribly.

  51. Oh, and I think she's totally smart and pretty, too.

  52. Jiggety Jigg is one of my favorites. It is a very quick read and always lots of fun.

  53. I love the interview!!! I'm a JiggHead and yet I still learned alot more about her today!

  54. Gotta go with Jenni. She never fails to brighten a day!

  55. Love Jenni's blog! Great choice!

  56. I think Jenni is GREAT!!! I totally loved reading this little interview... I learned some new little tidbits about her!!! :o)

  57. Love jenni's blog! It's a daily read!

  58. Holy Cannoli! I am the 62nd comment!!!
    Shows you how popular Jenni is! Her blog is hilarious and she's a sweetheart.
    Great feature!
    :) robin
    cinnamon & honey

  59. "I am so blogging this." I may tattoo that to my arm.

  60. Congrats on your feature Jenni!!

  61. I love Jenni Jiggety! That's my daily "must read".

  62. Jenni is one of my fave's! Thanks for featuring her! ;)


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