Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A bit of this and that....and enter my CONTEST!!!!

Lately it seems I am a real slacker when it comes to awards!! and I am so sorry it has taken so long to post these beauties!

The Lemonade Award was given by:

Stacy of Stacy's Random Thoughts
Angie of Making Memories and

The Friends Award was given by Elisabeth of Latenoonviews and Firefly-shop

The You are Truly Beautiful was given by Firefly-shop
Este Blog given by Firefly-shop
The Smile award given by Firefly-shop

Thank you ladies! I am so lucky to receive these awards and would like to pass them on to anyone who would like to grab an award, you see I have a hard time selecting and never like leave anyone out.

Please enter my contest for a isABElt, you won't be sorry if you win!!!!!!! Enter here


Thanks for leaving some comment love!