Monday, December 22, 2008

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to...

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! We are just days away from Christmas and today is the first day of Hanukkah. Happy Hanukkah to my friends kicking off their celebration!

I am excited to introduce you to Jill of Scary Mommy. I met Jill at a social network (I know aren't I social but it is where I meet so many fabulous friends) but also have to admit her cool blog buttons that she designs grabbed me; the blogaholic one is so me. Jill is a busy mom of 3 young kids and has such hilarious posts about the every day things we all experience as parents. I know when I visit her site I will surely receive a laugh but also something heartfelt.

Grab your beverage of choice, relax and get to know my friend Jill. If you would like to be a featured reader please email me at, don't forget you have a chance to win a free piece of jewelry. Renee from Cutie Booty Cakes will soon be sporting her very own custom piece.

Name: Jill, aka Scary Mommy

Your family:

I've been married to my husband, Jeff for 8 years. We are parents to Lily, 4.5, Ben, 2.5 and Evan, 1.

How did you start blogging?

A friend of mine had a blog and I thought it would be cool to have a sort of virtual baby book for my kids. I never imagined how much I would enjoy writing or all the great friends I would make.


If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

Not to take it too seriously and to enjoy every moment. It all goes by way too fast and I don't ever want to feel like I missed out on a thing.

You will never find me without...... My iPhone, a Diet Snapple and my eleven month old.

Day job:

Running around after my children, cooking, cleaning, blogging, and working harder than I ever did outside of the house. (Jill also makes really cool blog buttons like the below blogaholic one that I snagged, you can pick one up at Scary Mom Creations for FREE!!!


Favorite Stuff:

Music: Anything from the 80s. Especially the really cheesy stuff.

Food: Thai. I could eat it for every meal and never tire of it.

TV: How I Met Your Mother, Top Chef, The Comeback

Movies: Defending Your Life, Chances Are, Flirting with Disaster

Reading: Who has time to read? I blog.8.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be? Scary Mommy, of course!

Favorite stores to shop at:

These days, Target. I am trying to make an effort to support small business owners, but I do love the Dollar Tree!

Please be sure to visit both of Jill's sites, Scary Mommy and Scary Mommy Creations
and be sure to leave Jill some comment love, oh heck leave me comment love too!



  1. Great interview! I love Jill and her blog. She always makes me smile!
    :) Robin
    cinnamon & honey

  2. I can't remember how I came across Jill's blog... but she is one of my favorites! She cracks me up! And she is super-sweet, too.

  3. Very cool interview :) I'm off to check out her blog :)

  4. What a great interview! I will have to check her out! Thanks! xo

  5. I want Jill's cool header tatooed on my ample thigh!

  6. Very nice! Like both of the blogs, and the interview was great!

  7. Another great interview!

    Oh and I got my package today!!! Oh Kristen....THANK YOU SO MUCH! I want to blog about it all right now but my sister reads my blog and I don't want to ruin her surprise!

    Anyway I love, love, LOVE them. And thank you for the Jiggety Jigg suprise!!! You ROCK!

  8. New award waiting for you on my blog :)


Thanks for leaving some comment love!