Sunday, December 21, 2008

Feel Good Sunday: Let it snow!!

We had about 8 inches of snow and boy did Will have a blast helping his Dad clean it all up.

Let it snow (as long as I don't have to drive in it!)


  1. That is so cute :)
    and I hear you about driving, we tried to go to the store and no luck, LOL we went back home before we got stuck someplace. I'm so ready for snow to be gone!

  2. Way to help daddy Will! Enjoy it and stay warm!

  3. Wow that is so cool. I have no idea what its like being in that much snow - I've lived in CA all my life. I've been trying to talk the hubs into moving to Denver but who knows.

  4. What a little helper he is!

    We rarely get snow here... I have never had to drive in it. I'm not sure I would be able to!

  5. I absolutely miss when my son was younger and he loved helping Daddy shovel snow! Now he's 17 and I can't even bribe him to get out there and shovel! LOL! Cute pictures! xo Keli

  6. It looks like he's having fun!


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