Monday, December 8, 2008

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to.....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! Oh my goodness the holiday's are fast approaching. I don't know about you but in our house we are scrambling to get everything done in time. As I have said in past posts, the one thing I love about Monday's is having the opportunity to introduce you to one of my fab readers. I am pleased to introduce you to Clarissa of The Diary of a Poshpreneur. Clarissa is a fellow WAHM who shares tips on her site for other fellow WAHM's and also runs a boutique where she makes many beautiful items, you must check out here stuff, there are too many to pick just one favorite. Grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Clarissa.


Clarissa Nassar of The Diary of a Poshpreneur and Tres Couture Boutique
I also blog/vlog on New Baby and MomDot, I go by "POSHpreneur Clarissa" on most sites.


My DH's name is Joe and I have 2 kids, Kayla-6 & Jojo-2 and a pup, Duchess who is 7 mos.

How did you start blogging?

I started blogging because I wanted to share with everyone the steps and fun and anxiety of being a small business owner...I think if ppl can get an inside look into things they would not feel so alone...or so afraid to start their own business! I wanted to be inspirational and encouraging to others.

The POSHpreneur

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

As a parent, I always thought that I would be the overly cautious type that cleans her kids hands every second and yells if they are running around crazy or just a "worry wart" type of parent (sorry if anyone out there is one of those! lol) but, my philosophy as a parent is that kids should be able to be KIDS and run around and get dirty (of course I clean them up right after they are done!) and they should be allowed to ask for candy at the store or for a special cereal or toy every now and are gonna be kids! Let them live and let them explore and let them dream and imagine and get into trouble every now and then!

You will never find me without......

a HUGE handbag loaded with my cell phone, snacks, diaper, wipes & my Ipod!

Day job:

My "day job" is being a mama and running a household. First and foremost, I am a wife and a mother. It is the greatest blessing! In between real life I blog for my clients and myself, and sew for my boutiques. The wheels are always turning in my head for my next biz adventure!

Favorite Stuff:

Music: House Music all night long! lol I love all music but House & R&B are my favs
Food: ANYTHING and everything! My hispanic heritage and my husbands Middle Eastern heritage has brought me lots of different varieties of foods.
Tv/ Movies: Friends, Will & Grace & The Hills for T.V. Movies:
the list is way too long!
Reading: The Proper Care & Feeding of a Marriage is a MUST for any married couple

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your f avorite saying on it what would it be?

"Why are you trying to get me fired on my day off?" LOL It is a quote from Friday (with Dr. Dre & Chris Tucker) and my BFF and I would go back and forth with that ALL DAY at work...just a fun inside joke...when you work in the "Corporate World" you know you always have to CYB "Cover your Butt" so this was our little funny saying when we would catch the each other doing something silly {for example:
shopping online LOL}

Favorite stores to shop at:

ANY fabric store

Other good stuff from Clarissa:

I love to share my ideas and inspirations with everyone and anyone who will listen! I get the most satisfaction when I can help someone make their dreams a reality or help them towards their goals. I hope that I can be an inspiration to other parents who want to start a business or who have started and feel alone.

A special thank you to Clarissa for allowing us to get to know her. Please be sure to stop by Clarissa's sites. If you would like to be featured at La Dolce Vita please send me a email at


  1. Awesome interview :)

  2. Thanks Kristen! I love to share who I am with others because I am so "new" to the whole blogging scene, it is nice to show a little bit about who I am and how silly I am! LOL

  3. Great interview - I've enjoyed getting to know Clarissa !

  4. Thanks for the great to check it out now!

  5. Great interview, nice to know a few more "personal" things about Clarissa!

  6. I am going to check her site out! Thanks, Kristen!

  7. What a nice interview and fun to hear a little bit more about her!

  8. Enjoyed meeting your featured reader.


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