Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Bit of This and That....

We have been busy working on some holiday shopping, so far we did pick up some dog bones for Kane. Check out Will's cart, he kept finding fab items for Kane.

I had the pleasure of spending 2 hours yesterday on the phone with Comcast, since I discovered that about half of my customers haven't been receiving my emails and I haven't been receiving theirs. My tech support guy kept saying, "This is strange" that isn't what you want to hear! It does seem to be fixed now, so Matt from Comcast is my hero.

I have also been very busy filling customers holiday orders. If you would still like to pick up a piece for a gift please place your order ASAP to ensure you receive it in time. I wanted to share the "Forever In My Heart" piece that I created for a special customer. I just put the piece in my shop if you would like one!


  1. You guys must of had fun time shopping :) love the way he searches for items :)

    New necklace looks awesome :)

    Ah the Comcast, always something with them ;)

  2. I bet Will had fun with his own shopping cart! A 2 hour phone call with comcast, you needed some fun after that!

  3. What a great necklace! I love it. And look at Will go. He is a regular shopper.

  4. I love those little carts!!! Another great piece of jewelry!!

  5. Will, just point your little cart over towards the Grampaw shopping area!! :) Mom can show you the way LOL!!!

  6. The pictures of Will are adorable! You are teaching him right! : ) Ugh, I hate calls like that! And I LOVE that necklace! After Christmas, I need to check out some jewels on your site and order up something for myself! xo Keli

  7. How cute is Will with his mini cart???

  8. Don't you love those little carts? I think they are great!

    The pendant you added to your shop is lovely. Very cool!

  9. I love him with his small sized cart. Those are perfect to keep kids occupied and happy while doing shopping.


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