Friday, November 14, 2008

Exciting news to share....

I am excited to announce that the magazine I contribute to, Beautiful Fabulous has been picked up by Blog Burst!! So what does that mean? Blog Burst places blogs on nearly 100 top-tier news and media sites, including: Fox News, Reuters, USA Today, McGraw Hill, Internet Broadcasting and many more. My fashion articles and all of the other fabulous writers on B!F! now have the opportunity of hitting the mass media outlets. Blog Burst is very picky as to who they accept so this is such a great honor. If I become a famous writer I will remember all of my bloggy friends (just kidding friends)! I think a special thank you is in store for Krista Peck who is our fabulous editor. If you would like to read my fashion articles when they are hot off the press please join me at Beautiful Fabulous. You will also find many other fab articles in a variety of topics.


  1. That is great news! Maybe we will be seeing your name in lights soon. ; )

  2. Congratulations! That's so exciting!

  3. Kristen, that is fantastic news I am so excited for you and can't wait to see what the future holds for you! hey, you something waiting for you at my blog :P)

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! THat is exciting news!!!

  5. What an honor!! Congratulations!!!

  6. Congrats, that is so cool :) :)

  7. Congratulations!!! What great news! I know you are thrilled!

  8. Hooray! Just got back from celebrating our good news :) We've worked hard to get here! You were our first contrib...the very first to believe in my silly lil whim. It's been fun...I know fabulous things are in store. Thanks for sharing the good word! And, thanks for putting up with me, of course ;)

  9. Kristen, how cool is this?!?
    (I hope I don't choke!)

  10. What fantastic news Kristen! How exciting!!!! Sorry I've been MIA but if you've been reading my blog you'll know I've been sick with pneumonia for close to two weeks now. It's getting old real fast! With much gratitude and a big KUDOS to you my friend, Laurie B.

  11. Congrats!!! Cheaper Then Therapy sent me over :) I LOVE your necklaces!!!! Will be stopping by your blog more often!!!


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