Friday, November 14, 2008

Awards, Awards, Awards

Given by LeAnn of Tolleson4Him

I pass this on to:

Given by Clare of Diapers to Designs

Pass this award on to 5 bloggers:

Krista of Boutique Flair
Jenni of Jiggety Jigg
Angie of My Pretty Purse

Given by Tena from Punky Monkey's

I pass this award on to:

Robin of Cinnamon and Honey
LeAnn of Tolleson4Him
Firefly Shop
Mommy's Great Deals

Given by Firefly Shop

I pass this award on to:

Ali of Home of the Lazy Dog
Renee of Cutie Bootie Cakes
Jennifer of The Fun Sucker
Jenn of The Peacock's Nesting Place

Given by Michelle from Michabella Creations

I pass this on to:

Clare of Diapers to Designs
Tena of Punky Monkey's
Toni of It's Nap Time

And now for the best award of all, well that is because I created it. This award is the Top Commenter and goes to your top 5 commenter's!!! I love my bloggy friends who no matter what visit almost every day, thank you for the bloggy friendship and for making my day!

LeAnn of Tolleson4him
Ali of Home of the Lazy Dog
Jenni of Jiggety Jigg
Renee of Cutie Bootie Cakes

Now ladies pass this award on to your top 5 commenters!


  1. Great awards! Stopping by from Ann's GNO.

  2. OMG!! You gave me an award - and it's sooo cute!

    Thank you!

    And Congrats on your awards - you deserve it!

  3. Congratulations on all your awards and for sharing one with me

  4. Love the Dolce Vita...great awards! Also visiting from Ann's GNO...have a happy Friday :)

  5. Wow! COngrats on your awards and thank you for passing two along to ME!

  6. Congrats on the awards! Stopping by from Ann's GNO.

  7. Thank you!!!Thank you!!! Congrats on all the awards and you want more I know LOL soooo you have 4 waiting for you at my blog :) :)

  8. Wow! An Award Show?! I'm not dressed properly. Time to break out the Red Carpet dress! :->

  9. And 2 more :) see I had to pass to you the award you made since you're one of my loyal commenter's :) and another award that is waiting for you on the same post :)

  10. Congratulations! What great awards you have here. Thank you very, very much for sharing the wealth. And I love the award you developed. Now if I could only figure out how to identify the people that comment the most on my blog I'd be in business.
    : )

  11. COngrats Bloggy sister!!! Thanks for passing one on to me!!! Love the new award!!

  12. Congratulations on all your awards! You really do have a fun blog and I really enjoy reading it. And thanks for being such a sweetheart and passing one along to me! :)

  13. Congrats and THANK YOU!! And it's so awesome to be included with such great bloggers!

  14. Thanks for my award for The Fun Sucker :-)

  15. Awwww thanks for the award and thanks for stopping by!! Yes it's unfortunate that Motrin was so negligent in their research.

  16. Congrats on all the awards, and thank you so much for thinking of me! I'll post it on my blog with a link back to you sometime in the next day or two!!

  17. Thank you so much for the award!!! I will get it posted!

  18. OMG! Thank you so much! You are just too kind!
    :) Robin


Thanks for leaving some comment love!