Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thousand Word Thursday

Catching Snowflakes with his tongue!

All dressed up with nowhere to go, please people walk me!!!

Just soaking it all in, one flake at a time!

The first snow of the season calls for getting bundled up and going outside to catch snowflakes with your tongue. Kane even got his coat out and was very disappointed that nobody would take him for a walk, look at those eyes.

A quote from Will "Hey Daddy the neighbors are working really hard making all of this nice snow for me" Will has a very vivid imagination!

Happy Thursday! If you would like to join in on the fun please visit:

Cheaper Than Therapy


  1. Your little guy is too cute! I wish we got snow down here where I am! And OMG the dog's outfit and expression is sooo cute!!

  2. Wow! Snow, already?! Love your new look over here, Kristin, and love your new necklace, too. My sister is really into volunteering for the Make a Wish Foundation; I hope to win it for her!

  3. Snow?!

    Aww, poor Kane!

    Funny quote - wonder how he thinks the neighbors are doing it!

  4. YAY! Thanks for showing snow pictures! I MIGHT be lucky to see it ONE day a year!

  5. So cute! I wanna play in the snow!

  6. Great pictures!! I love the red outfit on your dog, lol! I bet he loves that - warm and cozy!!

    It is already snowing where you are?! I am SO jealous!!! =)

  7. We did the same thing!!!! I think we are going to have the chance again this weekend!!

  8. What if all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes...I love that Barney song!

    Love Kane's sweater!

  9. How cute! I love your dog! Is he a rescue?

  10. We'll live vicariously through you and your snow...I can't handle it getting below 50 around here!

    Cute shots!

  11. What great pictures! It looks like the kids (dog too!) were both very excited for the snow to come!

  12. I love your pictures but I am taking a firm stand against snow before Thanksgiving thank you very much. LOL

    By the way, your Wish necklace is gorgeous!

  13. He is so cute :) love the pictures :)

  14. Your son is adorable!

    I love the first snow of the season.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. awwww these pictures are so cute!
    Wow snow already??!!?!? Of course I say that because I live in So cal and hardly know what snow is, lol

  16. Wow snow in november! It won't snow (if it does) till January at least.

    Check out my two giveaways. Sinupret for Kids Gift Pack and Poingo Interactive books

  17. What precious pictures! Kids are so amazing.

  18. Oh, I am so jealous snow already. Geesh it's still almost 80 degrees here. Hopefully the cold front will come through this weekend and it will finally get cold. Send it our way please.....

  19. Can't believe its snowing in your part of the world and its still hanging on into the high 70's here! Enjoy the snow.

  20. I can see it won't be long before Will can be making snow angels on the front lawn!! and Kane looks like devil dog with his eyes in the picture! Kane could pull Will on his sled!!

  21. TO ROCHELLE: Yes Kane is a rescue, and he's such a sweet heart!! One thing though, he is so tall he can easily swipe goodies off the dinning room table!!! :)


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