Monday, October 27, 2008

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to.....

Happy Monday to everyone! Last week I promised a picture of the piece that I custom created for Jennifer from The Dirty Shirty. Jennifer was the winner of one of my custom pieces. I had a lot of fun with this piece and decided to add it to my collection in my SHOP. If you would like a custom piece created please just send me a email to discuss Just a reminder that by participating in my weekly Featured Reader you could have a chance to win one of my custom pieces. Now on to our featured reader of the week!

La Dolce Vita

Every week I have so much fun getting to know my readers a little bit better. I met Angela on Twitter and also one of my many Social Networks. Angela is a very busy Mom and a real tech savvy kind of gal. If you visit one of her blogs you can read some of her tips on keeping up with blogging, crafting and learn how to live a more positive life. I don't know how she does what she does and with a smile!
Name: Angela Moore. I have four main blogs that I work on all the time. Unexpected Art: A Positive Blog, Link Development by the Link Princess, A Craft Life, and A Month of Stuff.

Your family: I have been married since 2003 to a wonderful former army man. We have two children: Veronica, 4 and Isaac, 3.

How did you start blogging? I wanted to have an online journal, so I started investigating programs online in January 2007. I knew about blogging in a general sense. But I started Unexpected Art, which evolved into a platform to be more positive. Craft Life satisfied my need to talk about my crafting hobbies and Link Princess is a blog about what I do for a living. A Month of Stuff evolved out of a single post that I had on Unexpected Art in an effort to highlight other great blogs online.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? If not a parent what is your blogging philosophy?Our parenting styles change almost monthly. While the core thoughts never change (teach good manners, be respectful, cultivate a healthy self-image) we are always trying ways to reach our kids. The biggest thing we believe in is that both of our kids are very different from each other and they need different things in life. We try and give them what they need to grow into healthy adults.

You will never find me without......My cell phone. I now have a BlackBerry for my job, but my personal cell phone is my connection to my good friends. I feel lost without it. You'll also hardly ever see me without my laptop close by.

Day job: I work for a company called Intrapromote, an SEO firm. I am the Director of Link Development for them. As part of SEO, links from other sites are incredibly important when trying to get Google to rank a site highly for specific keywords. At a very basic level, I get other sites to link to my clients' web sites.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Techno, alternative
Food: Sweets (total downfall), soups, Italian
Tv/ Movies: LOST, Heroes; An American President, Glory, Rudy
Reading: I read everything from business books to nonfiction, fiction to spiritual. I tend to read 2 - 3 books at a time.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?"I checked - smiling is not against the rules."

Favorite stores to shop at? I love antique stores and random knick-knack shops. I'm also a Target kind of girl.

Extra Stuff: I love to craft, read, play with my kids, go to concerts and plays, write, and in general enjoy life. I am also an avid Notre Dame fan and a Civil War history buff (I just like to learn about it all; I'm definitely not an expert).

A special thank you to Angela for her interview. If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a email at

P.S. If you would like to see my new burberry inspired headband please visit La Dolce Vita and Friends and while you are there check out some of the amazing hand made items available from my fellow artists.


  1. Great blog and great feature! Can I steal her t-shirt slogan? Love it.

  2. Angela puts the 'social' into social networking. Besides time management, there are lessons to be learned from the way Angela goes about her business and life in general.

  3. what a great interview..and I want the T-shirt slogan, too!! :)

  4. Great interview. I've enjoyed following Angela on twitter!

  5. Angela is a wonderful blogger and friend. She's definitely an asset to our online community!

    And I love her t-shirt slogan, too. Cafe Press, anyone? :)

  6. I follow Angela on twitter too. How does one find time to blog in 4 different places, tweet, and have a day job? Superwoman.

  7. Angela rocks! The serenity prayer is also one of my favorites. Enjoyed the interview.

  8. NICE- good reading...and I also dig that t-shirt slogan!!

  9. I follow Angela on twitter too! 4 blogs, twitter, twittermoms, and a day job too? wow

  10. Thanks for all the notes guys! And thanks for the post Kristen. I feel super loved today!

  11. Great interview! And everyone needs to stop with the Target love--the nearest one to me is an hour away--I'm jealous!

  12. Angela is the best! I think her positivity is what helps her to be so productive. I just featured her at my blog, too!

  13. Loved the interview! Angela's is one of my bloggy BFF's! Love her! Love this site too!

  14. It was so nice to learn a bit more about Angela. I don't know how does she do it all, but she does :o) And always with a smile on!

  15. I great post! I follow angela on twitter!

  16. great post, I follow her on twitter too, want to vote, but not sure how.


  17. Love this feature!!! And Kristen, will please stop making all of these cool custom pieces already? My wish list is already a mile long!!!! I can't wait to get mine though!!!!

  18. I love the piece you've made so cool, and the feature was awesome :)

  19. That piece you made for Jennifer is beautiful!

  20. You're just amazing. And LOL @ the shirt slogan.

  21. Kristen,
    Fun feature to read! And that custom necklace you created is beautiful...of course! :)

  22. Angela ROCKS!!!!!!! Great to get to know a little more about her!

    And that is amazing Kristen!!!!!! I absolutely love it!!!!!

  23. Oh, I love that custom piece! So pretty! Sometime soon, I'll email you an idea for a custom piece I would like to order!

  24. Great feature! Beautiful piece!

  25. I love that custom piece with the names! I have put your shop on my Christmas list for my husband! :)

  26. What a great piece that you made for Jen. And I love getting to know Angela better.

  27. Nice interview! I appreciate Angela over at momspark as well!

  28. This was a fantastic interview. I follow Angela on Twitter. Best Wishes To You & Your Family!

  29. This was a fantastic interview. I follow Angela on Twitter. Best Wishes To You & Your Family!

  30. Angela is a gem, and I'm always amazed by all that she does. And Kristen, I love your jewelry design too!

  31. Two phones? I'm starting to worry...

  32. i like angela!!! you're the stay at home working mom that i aspire to be!!! :)

  33. Great post! Angela is amazing!! She is clearly great at time management(being able to maintain 4blog post)-WHEW!



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