Monday, October 20, 2008

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to......

La Dolce Vita

I am pleased to introduce you to LeAnn of Tolleson4him. LeAnn has been one of my loyal readers for a very long time, in bloggy world that is a BFF in my book! I always look forward to taking a peek into LeAnn's daily happenings. LeAnn not only works full time but also has two beautiful girls and via her blog shares their family journey.

Name: LeAnn of Tollesons4him

Family: I have been married to my college sweetheart for 12 1/2 years we have been together for 15 years total. We have two beautiful daughters Er who is 10 and Em is 7. And we have one spoiled dog Cassie

How did you start blogging? I had heard about blogging for a while and had some friends who blogged that tried for a very long time to get me to start. With both our families living in other states I decided this would be a great way for our friends and family back home and all over to stay and keep in touch with us....that's how Tollesons4him was created.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? Yes, I am a parent and my philosophy is love them unconditionally, discipline them with love not anger and always be open with them. Talk to them so they will always come to you about anything and not be scared to talk about it.

You will never find me cellphone, I can not be with out it.

Day job:I am a Full time mom a full time wife and a full time ministry assistant at the church we attend.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: 80's music and really anything I like all kinds

Food: Mexican and CHOCOLATE

Tv/ Movies: Grey's Anatomy, the Office, American Idol oh the Bachelor/Bachelorette. Grease, the Breakfast club, Comedies and Romance by far my fav

Reading: I love to read anything by Karen Kingsbury and Emily Giffin

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be? You better believe it

Favorite stores to shop at: Target, Kohls, Bath and Body Works.

A special thank you to LeAnn for participating in my weekly reader. Please be sure to give LeAnn some comment love here and also at her blog .

Please be sure to come back next week to meet Angela of Unexpected Art. If you would like to be a featured reader please email me at Being a featured reader you also have a chance to win one of my custom handstamped pieces with a retail value up to $50. Next week I will share the piece that I created for Jennifer of The Dirty Shirt. Jennifer was the winner of my first giveaway.


  1. Thank you for featuring me on your blog. I love your blog and just like you said I feel as if we are BFF and we have never met. Thanks for the love.

  2. Great post Kristen and LeAnn! I love LeAnn's blog and my hubby and I were also college sweethearts, have been married 12+years and together for 16!!


  3. as always, love your blog leann. miss ya girl!

  4. LeAnn is a great gal!! You were wise to choose her!!

  5. I like these features, Kristen!

    And CONGRATS on having your B!F! article picked up!

  6. LeAnn was one of my first bloggy friends, too! Great interview!


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