Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Free Jewelry......

E-Parties are oh so fun and oh so easy! Several of my readers have hosted their own parties and have received some free jewelry! Who wouldn't like some free jewelry?

Would you like to earn some free jewelry from my shop? All you need to do is host a E-Party and you will have an opportunity to earn some free bling. What is fab about a E-Party is that you don't even have to leave your house and your friends can shop in their PJ's! If you would like to host a party please email me at klacustomcreations@comcast.net for further details.
To take a peek at my entire hand stamped collection please visit Kristen's Custom Creations.


  1. What is an E-party like? Haven't done that yet. I'm addicted to Pandora Jewelry, actually. Haven't tried other variations of jewelry just yet.

  2. This sounds like fun and with it getting close to Christmas great gift ideas too.

  3. I love the jewelry you make, so cool...Holidays on the way, definitely considering some (for me of course LOL)


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