Monday, October 13, 2008

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to......

La Dolce Vita

I am pleased to introduce you to Robin of Cinnamon and Honey. Robin contacted me to create a very unique, custom necklace for her a while ago. It is funny how you can really hit it off with a customer and get really involved in the creation of their custom piece. Robin and I became fast friends and it all started with her custom necklace order. Robin is also a Co-Contributor at Beautiful Fabulous and she writes about entertainment. Robin is not only a very talented writer but also a gifted crafter who makes beautiful cards. Be sure to read her interview as her writing will speak to you.

Name: My name is Robin Honig Willens and my blog is Cinnamon and Honey.

Family: I live with my husband Jeff and a newly rescued (but yet-to-be named) calico kitty-cat.
How did you start blogging? I started blogging professionally for TV Guide four years ago. Talk about fun! I'd stay up late watching an entire night of prime-time TV, then write all about each episode for their web site. I also wrote their Gilmore Girls blog for three seasons, which is one of my all-time favorite shows. I really enjoyed the freedom of blogging, so I started my own earlier this year.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? If not a parent what is your blogging philosophy?I'm not a parent just yet but I love to write all about my nieces and nephews and post lots of adorable pictures. They bring such joy to my life! As for my bloggi ng philosophy? Just have fun.

You will never find me without...... My iPod! Spend five seconds on my blog and you'll notice I don't shut up about what I'm listening to. I'm a music freak so I'm in love with this little thing. I'm listening to it at the mall, on the subway, the coffee shop... Plugged in and totally oblivious.

Day job: Right now I'm a freelance writer for magazines and the web. Mostly I cover television and music, but over the years I've written about travel, business, health and art. I also make handmade cards which you can find online at my Etsy shop, also called Cinnamon and Honey.
Favorite Stuff:
Music: I'm a Tom Petty fanatic! And his six degrees of classic rock separation: the Beatles, the Stones, Bob Dylan, BB King, Led Zeppelin... I also love the blues, classic Motown and singer-songwriters.
Food: I've been a vegetarian for 20 years now! Not for ethical reasons but because I d on't like meat. I also have a terrible sweet-tooth which I try to curb as much as possible. Mmmmm.... chocolate....!
Tv/ Movies: I watch obscene amounts of TV for work. (I should complain, right?) I'm definitely looking forward to the new season. Too many shows to mention here but my all-time faves are The Sopranos, Gilmore Girls, My So-Called Life and MASH. Right now I am LOVING Tina Fey and 30 Rock... so smart and funny! I don't spend too much time at the movies, usually I'll wait until something comes on PPV.
Reading: By far, my favorite genre is the memoir. I find well-told life stories to be incredibly compelling. I'd like to return to some of the classics. Anna Karenina (by Tolstoy) has been on my night-stand, I'm embarrassed to say, for a few months now and I've yet to crack it open. Maybe outing myself here is good motivation!
If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be? I'm one of those people who'd wear something different every day. Today: "S--t Happens!" Tomorrow: "Whatever Will Be, Will Be." I just found a Yiddish Proverb that's kind of cool: When you don't know where you're going, every road will take you there.
Favorite stores to shop at: I'm a total bath junkie, so I'm super-grateful that Lush finally came to the United States. Love, love, love their fizzies and melts. Yum! I'm also a huge fan of Sephora... just walking inside makes me dizzy with possibility. I'm all over the place with clothes but I love buying things on sale so I'm a big outlet shopper. I'm into the funky boutiques in NY's West Village but I can only afford to walk in and that's about it.
A special thank you to Robin for a fab interview. Be sure to check back tomorrow to see who the winner is for a custom hand stamped piece from my shop.
Next weeks featured reader is LeAnn from Tolleson for him.
If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a message at by participating you have a chance to win one of my custom pieces with a retail value of up to $50. Who doesn't like to win these days!!!!
Be sure to leave Robin some comment love! We all just love comments!


  1. Her blog is terrific! I just found her thanks to Beautiful! Fabulous!

  2. Thanks so much Kristen! You're the best!
    :) Robin

  3. I just love this featured reader it so neat to be able to read each week about someone new...

  4. Great interview. What a great job -blogging about tv shows.

  5. Great interview! Robin you ROCK! We became fast friends and so glad we did! I love singing this to you,"Whose afraid of the..." well you know!

  6. What a great interview! She sounds so interesting.

    So, you do specialized stuff? If I wanted a "Texas Word Tangle" necklace??

  7. Fabulous interview! Robin is terrific! Kristin, thanks for bringing this interview to us.

  8. Robin is one of my ultimate Blog Friends. Great job Kristen!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!