Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Charms,Charms,Charms, Awards and WE HAVE A WINNER

I have been very busy creating some custom pieces for customers. I am also working on a very large wholesale order, just in case anyone was wondering what I have been up to. Above is a pic of just a few of the pieces. I will share a gallery of some of the custom pieces in another post, they are really fun and very unique. Have I mentioned I LOVE custom orders! I think what I love about custom orders is helping a customer create a piece that holds special meaning for them.

Ready for the Winner of the Featured Reader Contest???????

Jennifer of The Dirty Shirt!!!! Jennifer can pick a piece out of my shop or a custom piece up to a $50 value.

I also received two lovely awards:

A special thank you to Scargosun for this awesome award!

A special thank you to a new bloggy friend Fire Fly Shop for the I Love your blog

Be sure to come back tomorrow for my Wordless Wednesday, it will be sure to make you laugh.


  1. Nut-uh your not serious I won OMG thank you so much!!!!!! I am thrilled because I love your jewelry!!! Thank you Kristen :-)

  2. Gonna add to your awards :-) I left you one at my place.


  3. Woo Hoo Jennifer!
    Congrats on the awards.

  4. Congratulations on your bloggy awards! I also just wanted to tell you again how much I love the custom piece you made for me.

  5. wow, what great pieces. I'm glad to have found you on Michigan Mamas!!


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