Friday, April 16, 2010


How long could you go unplugged?

This is a hard question for me since I run a online business so I always have to be connected and with having email on my phone it is even harder to go unplugged. If I didn't have my business I think I could last a few days. I will say though when we were on vacation last week we did have wireless in our condo and I was really good and was online only for necessary updates for my shop.


  1. I went insane being unplugged for almost 2 weeks recently. Though I did get a lot of stuff done around the house during that time! ;) Like you, though, I can't be unplugged very often or for very long since I run an online business as well. At some point I need to get a SmartPhone so I don't go insane should I find myself unplugged again in the future! ;)

  2. Last summer I went for two weeks when we went to the was hard for the first couple of days and at night after the kids were asleep. We are planning to go the last two weeks of July this year and I am looking forward to it!

  3. If I was still allowed my phone, I could do it. :)

  4. Last year my computer died - it was over a month til we got a new one. I hated it!

    One week when we go on trips in the summer too.

  5. oooh, tough one. a week, max? it was sooo good for me to do it.

    (i'm a new follower from follow friday!)

  6. I, like you, have an online shop. If I didn't have it, probably a couple days.

  7. I run a business from home so my cell phone and computer/internet is my whole business. I have often thought about and one day hope to be able to do "Sundays Unplugged" where we don't use anything with electricity. It hasn't happened yet...but is a great idea. I do shut my phone off for a couple hours when I pick my girls up from school.
    Good question...

  8. Let's just say that I have 3 computers and internet on my phone.

    Have a great day!

  9. It would drive me nuts for even a day, but I could go a weekend - I would have to have it for work.

  10. A while if I need or want to. I went 11 days without anything when I went to El Salvador last October and I will be going on a Cruise in July for 7 nights,and I will not use it then either.

  11. Okay NOw you just Toasted my cookies!! I'm HOT Right now! My lap top battery isn't taking a charge. I used to be able to go 3 1/2 hrs and then 2 hrs and now I"m lucky if I even charge to stay ON. I need to head into best buy tomorrow and I'm not happy.

    Lol I think you ment without internet but ofcourse I was still focused. I can go 3 days. LOL But I did go a whole week once

  12. when I mean unplugged that means email on your phone too, I couldn't do it for very long


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