Monday, April 19, 2010

His first time at the beach....

Do you remember the first time you went to the beach? This was Will's first time to the beach and as you can tell he loved it. I love the beach too and when watching the waves roll in and out I fantasize about what it would be like to live right at the beach. A girl can dream right? But now we are back in cold Michigan!


  1. I am from Brazil and was first in a beach really early. they're my favorite places on earth ;) these pics are beautiful!

  2. I don't remember my first time but there are pics to prove it was love at first sight. :)

  3. I do love the beach I have not been in years..

  4. He definitely looks like he enjoyed himself :)

  5. He definitely looks like he enjoyed himself :)

  6. I don't remember my 1st trip to the beach! But my girls were 3 and 18 months when they visited the beach for the 1st time. Hannah (the 3 yr old) LOVED it. She could've spent ALL DAY on the beach. The baby, on the other hand, HATED it. Cried whenever you put her down in the sand. The only time she was happy was when she was actually in the water!


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