Friday, April 23, 2010

Say it isn't so...

Will tells me that he is too old to hold hands in public and to receive hugs and kisses. Just today I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he wiped it off. Isn't 4 a little young? sniff. sniff

At what age did you kiddo(s) decide that public affection was no longer acceptable?


  1. Oh I feel for you.. It has started.
    My Blog Link for you
    here from FF

  2. My daughter is only 2 so we aren't there yet. I'm really not looking forward to that day either.

  3. Oh my... My daughter is only a year old and I hope that day NEVER COMES!!

  4. Hasn't happened yet and they are pretty old.

    Have a great Friday!

  5. Don't tell me that!! My child will be four in only one more year!!

  6. My 11-year-old recently decided he didn't want hugs or kisses at all.

  7. Ha! I still try to hold my 12 year old`s hand when we cross the street. She is not too impressed, but if she wants something from me she will hold my hand.

  8. My nephew was 2(!) when he decided he didn't kiss girls becuase they smell! Thanks fully my nieces are now 10 and 5 and they still come for cuddles and my littlest nephew is now 2 and hasn't learnt to argue yet!

  9. My daughter is only 5 months old, but I was just thinking this morning, how I better take advantage of this time, and give her kisses and cuddles while I can! :)

  10. It's interesting that my very affectionate 13 year old loves hugs and kisses now but at 4 would refuse to have any kisses at all!!!

    Happy Friday Follow!

  11. Ohh, he is adorable! Mine is 5 and for the past year she things hugs and kisses at home are not necessary either LOL

  12. It hasn't happened yet. My son is almost 9 and still holds my hand.

  13. You never know.. it might change tomorrow. I don't remember when it happened with my 6, but it seems like they held my hand for a long time.
    come visit me @

  14. Awe that is sad. I think my son was about 10 when he get self conscious of Mommy's affection. My daughter is 20 and has never shied away from PDA's and will still hold my hand and be affectionate when appropriate.
    Stop by my blog for a visit when you have a chance. Happy Friday Follow

  15. Well he is a man... lol
    My girls are 12 & 14... I think it started when they were about 10... but they are girls... so I'm sure it's different.

  16. maybe around 10,or 11??It was along time ago!!
    He is probably just going thru a phase!Hang in there Mamma!!That would just kill me!!:(

    PS.I have been known to force hugs and kisses onto my children!hope i made u smile!


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