Thursday, April 22, 2010


While on vacation we took Will putt putt golfing for the first time and I have to say the kid has persistence. He didn't care how many putts it took to get the ball in the hole and would hit it until he got it in, and then once he did get it in he would say, "Look Mom I got it in the hole" and this lasted for the entire 18 holes.

Will reminded me that some times you just have to have some persistence and not give up even if it takes 25 putts or even if something is new or hard.


  1. At least he's not a quitter! I like his sticktoitiveness!

  2. That kind of persistence will take him far in life! That sound sso fun we haven't been putt putting in a long time...need to go soon! Stopping in from Just for the JOY of it!

  3. Awww..lessons from the little ones..they are so smart..!hes too cute..!


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