Tuesday, April 13, 2010


We spent last week in Myrtle Beach and this was Will's first time on an airplane and truly first beach vacation. He had his rolling backpack all loaded with toys and talked the entire time and was especially interested in the airplane emergency instructions, which I told him I hoped we wouldn't need.

Flying always makes me nervous, does it make you nervous?

More vacation pictures to come this week.


  1. I am terrified of flying. Don't know why but I avoid it at all costs. Looks like he was well prepared.

  2. Yes, flying makes me nervous! I'd rather ride in a car for 12 hours than take a 2 hour flight!

  3. Doesn't really make me nervous but I have been on flights where the turbulence was bad enough that times after that I was nervous but it went away.

  4. We drive everywhere--no planes! I know I can't avoid them forever though and the thought scares me to death.

  5. how cute is that.. We do that at the end of the month..

  6. Flying always makes me nervous! Cute pictures :)


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