Monday, April 12, 2010

Hello Spring...

This is my weeping cherry tree and the blooms are brief but oh so beautiful!

Goodbye winter....

I will not miss shoveling snow, bulky jackets, high heating bills, ice or snow.

Hello spring....

Oh how I love my flip flops, spring buds and sunshine!

What do you love about SPRING?


  1. Such a pretty tree. I love all the new buds and greens...just makes me feel like everything is new and starting over. I also feel lots better with fibro when the weather gets warmer!

  2. I am so happy that the snow is gone too. We got a dusting the other day.. I was so sad. But it did not stay.. I love watching the trees get their leaves. Then going to get flowers to plant in May.. love Spring the most not too hot..

    Happy Monday...

  3. Spring is like a new life for me every year. When April 1st hits it is like the signal to the end of SAD for me and I am ready to take on the world again. I even enjoy the sneezing. ;)

  4. I have a weeping cherry too!!! I love when it blooms but yes, it's merely a day or two and less if it rains!

  5. how pretty! my cherry tree back home is probably flowering as well ;)

  6. It's beautiful! I love listening to the birds in the spring.

  7. Gorgeous! I just love spring! It almost makes the blah days of winter worth it...ALMOST! :)


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