Saturday, March 6, 2010

A sneak peek....

I don't know about you but I am a fan of online shopping. I am not sure what I would do without this resource at my fingertips. When I was asked to take a peek at CSN stores I had no idea what I was in for. CSN has 200+ stores and they offer everything from items for baby, the home, the kitchen and much more. One thing that is particular interest to me is their kids bedding since we are looking for new bedding for Will. I love their Freckles Motor Club bedding pictured above.

I will be reviewing a very cool item for the kitchen but meanwhile take a peek at everything they have to offer HERE.


  1. What a cute bedspread! Yes, I LOVE online shopping! Me and are tight too. Ha. I love to order books without having to hop in the car.

  2. I bet he would love that bedding. Totally cute!

  3. I bet he would love that bedding. Totally cute!

  4. I love their store :) so much cool stuff! Did a review of one of their toys a while back, it's perfectly made and very reasonably priced :)

  5. I adore that. My boys would just go crazy TOo cute

  6. My son would LOVE this bed, he loves anything CARS and Trucks related. It also looks really warm.


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