Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sound effects included...well kinda

Can't you just hear Will making the Darth Vader breathing noise? I didn't realize I captured it until I later looked at the picture.

Star Wars brings back many fond childhood memories for me, at one point I really wanted Princess Leia cinnamon buns on each side of my head but never had hair long enough.

May the force be with you today friends!!!!


  1. I can totally hear him. This is SO cute.

  2. Me too, me too! We all love Star Wars in this house. Happy WW and may the force be with you!!

  3. ha... I turned down my sound at work so I could see the post... and then realized I had to add my own sound. He is adorable... and Will is too. LOL

    You are brave... I'm afraid to go into a Build-a-Bear place with my girls. I would have to take out a 2nd mortgage if I did.

  4. Kids are so creative! I love when my boys make train noises and crashing noises when they're playing with their cars!

  5. That is too cute! My son loves Star Wars.

  6. I can hear the sound effects... fabulous photo.

    Happy WW

  7. Cute ducky lips!

    It is amazing how star wars has maintained its popularity. I was 9 when the first one came out and I remember standing in a huge line with my dad and brother to see it in the theater!

  8. My boys are ALL Star Wars, ALL. THE. TIME. My 4-year-old constantly sings the Darth Vader marching music! It's actually pretty funny.

    I've been meaning to take them to Build-a-Bear to make some Star Wars bears. You just reminded me!

  9. I really can hear the sound effects! I love this picture! Great capture!

  10. God speed the imagination of a child. Why can't we all keep that when we grow up? I think we would be so much better off. I follow you hope you can stop by me too.


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